Dignity (http://themeforest.net/item/dignity-simple-portfolio-responsive-retina-html5/6021446). Dignity is a simple & easily reusable web template with a clean design and neat arrangement of contents. A perfect onepage portfolio for all creatives.
I took The Dignity Parallax template and placed it into this Django skeleton, but altered it to make it as dynamic as possible.
I used WPAdmin (Wordpress Admin) as the admin backend - along with TinyMCE at specific points. https://github.com/barszczmm/django-wpadmin
This project is great for bootstrapping your startup- it's very awesome for those of you who want the Dignity template as dynamic as possible (Django is also a massive benefit).
- Choose between the three template colors: Blue, Yellow, Red, Green
- The backgrounds are dynamic so you can load in as many images as you want.
- All text is dynamic - so you don't have to jump into any HTML.
- The admin looks awesome and can be skinned to any of WPAdmin's themes (inside settings)
- Download this Repo with git.
- Create your project's virtualenv - if you don't work with Django and virtualenv's this project isn't for you. However, if you are starting out, This may help (it is directed at deploying the project live - you can use DigitalOcean): http://michal.karzynski.pl/blog/2013/06/09/django-nginx-gunicorn-virtualenv-supervisor/
- $ pip install -r requirements
- Configure your database/debug settings in settings_local.py
- $python manage.py syncdb --migrate
- $python manage.py runserver
Please note, this project does use easy-thumbnails==1.3 to crop images on the Dignity template - in order to have the jpeg's supported and cropping correctly, you will need PIL (or pillow - whatever works for you). PIL always gives me shit
- so Inside the requirements.txt file, I've placed as many instructions in there to help install PIL and get it up and running correctly.
If you have any issues email me on [email protected]