The sdict package contains the classes sdictm and sdict which provide an interface that allows for the use of attribute access syntax to access elements of a recursive dictionary. sdictm is a mutable sdict whose members can be updated. sdict is an immutable version of sdictm
The following command can be run from the directory containing this file in order to install it:
pip install
None. Tested on Python 3.5.
from sdict import sdict, sdictm
d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=dict(d=3))
# sdict is the immutable version
sd = sdict(d)
print(sd.a) # -> prints 1
print(sd.c.d) # -> prints 3
# sdictm is the mutable version
sd = sdictm(d)
sd.a = 4 # -> a is now 4