Welcome to the C++ Basics Workshop! This workshop is made as a part of a set of basic tools workshops for the HackerSchool recruitment. It follows the main topics for beginners in programming and in C/C++ specifically:
- Why C++?
- My First Program in C++: Hello World!
- Namespace std
- C++ is a Compiled Language: G++
- Variables
- Input/Output (for the Terminal and Files)
- Operators
- If Statements, Loops and Other Useful Logic
- Functions
- Object Oriented Programming
It is accompanied by a presentation, also published in this repository.
For installing the C++ Compiler on Linux, simply run the following command on a terminal:
sudo apt install g++
Check if the installation was done correctly by running:
g++ --version
For installing the C++ Compiler on MacOS, run g++
on a terminal. If g++ is not installed, you should get a popup asking if you'd like to install the compiler; click Install.
Check if the installation was done correctly by running g++
again. The terminal should respond with no input files
For installing the C++ Compiler on Windows, start by installing Mingw-w64, by following the instructions on the MSYS2 website. Afterwards, to be able to use G++, you need to add Mingw-w64 to your PATH. Do so by:
- Open Settings and go to Edit environment variables for your account.
- Select PATH and click Edit.
- Select New and add the folder path to the bin folder on your mingw64 folder. If you used the default folder path given by MSYS2, your path should be
. If not, you can check the path by getting to the bin folder using your File Explorer
and clicking the path bar. The path should appear in text, like so
Check if the installation was done correctly by running the following command on a terminal:
g++ --version