Why Flutter? Wait What’s Flutter? Is it that? Who build Flutter? What can i do with it? Why Dart?
Why Flutter uses Dart - A tour through the history of compilers, vms, trapilation untill key aspects of the language
Flutter Architeture
Geting started with Flutter - Raywenderlich
Dart is all about OOP… If in Java everything is objects, in Flutter everything is widgets
Dart Cheatsheet
Fundamentals of OOP
Object-oriented Programming in 7 minutes | Mosh
Intro to Object Oriented Programming - Crash Course
How to explain object-oriented programming concepts to a 6-year-old
Introduction to object-oriented programming with Python
Dart Fundamentals
Dart for Java Developers - Codelab
Dart cheatsheet - Codelab
Dart Pad - An online tool to progam in Dart
Coming from JS? Let’s see that Dart is not that monster
Introduction to Dart for JavaScript Developers
Wallktrhougth labs - hands on review
How to setup the environment for Flutter Development
Labs - First Flutter App part 1
About Camel, Pascal and Snake Case
https://khalilstemmler.com/blogs/camel-case-snake-case-pascal-case/:~:text=Camel case (ex%3A camelCase),names%2C interfaces%2C and namespaces[https://khalilstemmler.com/blogs/camel-case-snake-case-pascal-case/:~:text=Camel%20case%20(ex%3A%20camelCase),names%2C%20interfaces%2C%20and%20namespaces].
Flutter Codelabs Solutions
The Getting Started, building your first Flutter App
Labs - Write Your First Flutter App Part2
Flutter Widgets
Flutter Widgets 101
Decoding Flutter
Wallktrhougth labs - hands on review
Flutter for React Native developers
Flutter for web developers
Putting it all together and building something cool
A little taste of the web
Fluttter Apprentice
Raywenderlich: Flutter Networking
FLutter Apprentice Book Clube
How can we build and deploy a Flutter app? … Well, just the steps, we can’t do it all in one day… unfortunately
Flutte Apprentice: Capter Deployment
Flutte and firebase app distribution
What else more is out there? Let’s find out on the next episodes… not yet, guess what… there is more to do on the web
Code lab: Write your first Flutter app on the web
Using a plugin with a Flutter web app - FIrebase, Github star counter…
Building Games
We saw how to develop for mobile and Web Now is your turn to share with us something from the desktop… yes it’s possible too!
Write a Flutter desktop application - Using Github API with OAuth2 Flow and Creating Flutter Plugins 💪
Resources and things you can find
The flutter roadmap
The community
The Boring Flutter Show
The widget of the week
animations community events
Sometimes isn’t just about you, or coding but also being part of the community, Incredibly sometimes on the community you can find things that is not on google.
Flutter Puzzel Hack intro Video
Flutter Puzzel Hack Galery