This topic talks about building a model which can detect an emotion from an image or from a live webcam . There key points to be followed are:
Data gathering and augmentation
The dataset taken was "fer2013". It can be downloaded through the link "https://github.com/npinto/fer2013". Image augmentation was performed on this data.
Model building
The model architecture consists of CNN Layer, Max Pooling, Flatten and Dropout Layers.
The model was trained by using variants of above layers mentioned in model building and by varying hyperparameters. The best model was able to achieve 60.1% of validation accuracy.
The model was tested with sample images. It can be seen below:
Refer to the notebook /Emotion_Detection.ipynb.
I have trained an emotion detection model and put its trained weights at /Models
To train your own emotion detection model, Refer to the notebook /facial_emotion_recognition.ipynb
Run pip install -r requirementss.txt
python Emotion_Detection.py