- news_crawler : news crawler to suggest articles
- comment_crawler : comments crawler to make comment database
- determiner : codes for train, inference and serve model
- notebooks : colab notebooks
Level | Conservative | Progressive |
0 | 조선일보 | 한겨례 |
1 | 중앙일보 | 프레시안 |
2 | 동아일보 | 오마이뉴스 |
3 | 문화일보 | 경향신문 |
For convenience, the code connecting to the server was separated into the following file : mongodbAuth.py
from pymongo import MongoClient
AuthMongoClient = MongoClient("mongodb://<ID>:<PASSWORD>@localhost:<PORT>", authSource="admin")
To crawl comments, the server starting to query the data to the database must be preceded.
cd comment_crawler
python3 app.py
Then, modify the date range and level in the last line of crawlerMONGODB.py
python3 crawlerMONGODB.py
If you crawled using the depreciated code crawlerSQLITE.py
, you have to merge the db into mongo db by using dbupdate.py
heroku login #Heroku에 로그인
heroku create <APP_NAME> #Heroku에 저장소가 없다면 생성
heroku git:remote <APP_NAME> #Heroku에 이미 저장소가 있다면 사용
heroku stack:set container #스택 유형 변경
git add .
git commit -m "heroku"
git push heroku master #Deploy 끝