- Scripts used for the analyses of the results reported in
- Project information
- Anatomical mask MNI space
Download the mediat temporal lobe (A-MTL) mask (.nii) used for the analyses here
Script that helps us determine which independent component (IC) is more likely to be noise (cerebrospinal fluid, CSF or white matter, WM) than a true network (gray matter, GM) based on the volume of each tissue compartment (for Fig. 1 of the paper)
Script to calculate mean and standard deviation for later effect size calculation per structure and IC using fslstats (Fig. 2B of the paper)
Script to rescale the A-MTL structure to the functional native space to calculate the temporal SNR (for the Supplement)
Script to calculate the temporal signal-to-noise-ratio for each A-MTL structure using fslstats (reported in the Supplement)
Script to obtain and store the MNI coordinates of the 'peak' voxel of functional connectivity, based on the tstat image and using fslstats (Table 1 of the paper)
Script to create a table in .txt using the column command
Script to count the number of voxels in each slice along the anterior-posterior axis (y-axis) for each A-MTL structure, for each IC/brain network (Fig. 4, schematics, of the paper)