This repo provides an example of how one might update NX-OS interfaces using Netbox's webhook feature.
The flow goes something like:
In our example, we update the following interface configurations:
- description
- vlan
- mtu
- interface state (shutdown or not)
If you've never used webhooks before, below is a quick-start guide.
1. Install webhook. If using Ubuntu, and prefer snaps, then:
sudo snap install webhook
sudo apt install webhook
Change the following with your NX-OS username and password:
If you move to a different location, add that location to your PYTHONPATH; either in update-interface.bash, or in your .bash_profile, etc.
Change execute-command
to point to where update-interface.bash
lives on your server.
"execute-command": "/home/arobel/netbox-webhook-nxapi/update-interface.bash",
Change command-working-directory
to this repo's directory on your server.
"command-working-directory": "/home/arobel/netbox-webhook-nxapi",
Specify the port you'll configure Netbox to use (8888 in the below examples)
If using the snap version:
snap run webhook -hooks hooks.json -port 8888 -verbose
Else, if installed using apt:
webhook -hooks hooks.json -port 8888 --verbose
We'll configure Netbox below to trigger a webhook if dcim.interfaces changes
- In the Netbox sidebar, scroll down and click "Other" then "Webhooks"
- Click "Add" in the Webhooks pane.
- For Name* use
- For Content Types* select
DCIM > interface
from the drop-down menu - Make sure
is checked. - Under Events, check
- For URL*, use http://your_server:8888/hooks/update-interface
Replace your_server
with the hostname or ip address of your server.
Replace 8888
with the port you used in step 5 above.
- Make sure HTTP Method* is
- Make sure HTTP content type* is
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click
If you do this manually, follow the steps below. Else, if you'd like to try my netbox-tools, you can use the
script. Below is an example for that:
./ --device cvd_leaf_1 --interface Ethernet1/1 --mode access --type 1000base-x-sfp --vlan 20 --description "DB Servers" --mtu 9216 --disabled
- Read the Netbox documentation for adding devices and interfaces if you don't already have a device/interface configured.
- Under
in the Netbox sidebar, selectInterfaces
(or select a device and then select its interface from the device interface tab) - Click the interface to edit (in this case, we are configuring the vlan on access mode interfaces, so select an access interface)
- Make change(s) to the interface (one or more of Description, MTU, Enabled, or Untagged VLAN)
- Click
Go back to your terminal where you started webhook. You should see some output that looks similar to:
[webhook] 2022/10/06 18:34:21 Started POST /hooks/update-interface
[webhook] 2022/10/06 18:34:21 [075319] incoming HTTP request from A.B.C.D:40284
[webhook] 2022/10/06 18:34:21 [075319] update-interface got matched
[webhook] 2022/10/06 18:34:21 [075319] update-interface hook triggered successfully
[webhook] 2022/10/06 18:34:21 Completed 200 OK in 391.854µs
[webhook] 2022/10/06 18:34:21 [075319] executing /home/admin1/arobel/netbox-webhook-nxapi/update-interface.bash (/home/admin1/arobel/netbox-webhook-nxapi/update-interface.bash) with arguments ["/home/admin1/arobel/netbox-webhook-nxapi/update-interface.bash" "cvd_leaf_1" "Ethernet1/1" "10" "Web Servers" "9216" "false"] and environment [] using /home/admin1/arobel/netbox-webhook-nxapi as cwd
[webhook] 2022/10/06 18:34:26 [075319] command output:
[webhook] 2022/10/06 18:34:26 [075319] finished handling update-interface
- Verify the interface configuration changed
show running-config interface X/Y
- Verify the accounting log
show accounting log