1. Support url parameters
Url parameters are now supported in prex v0.0.3
def list_all_users(since \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do
req_url = Path.join @base_url, "/users?limit=#{limit |> URI.encode_www_form}" <>
(if since != nil, do: "since=#{since |> URI.encode_www_form}", else: "")
HTTPoison.request(:get, req_url, body: Poison.encode!(%{"since" => since, "limit" => limit}), headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"])
Current approach is a bit messy. But it's flexible and since prex is not intended to be there in runtime o preferred not to make any dependencies fromscafolded code.
In order to have url parameters, they should be present in action/resource parameters.
2. Fix unnamed resources bug
Resources/ResourceGroups with no names are not a problem anymore.