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Imports xslx files using node js in temporal tables and inform laravel application about the progress


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Based on @proscom/xlsx-to-database

CLI tool to import sheets from xlsx files into temporal database tables that are much easier to work with.

  • It optionally triggers PHP Laravel artisan commands to track the progress of the import into your Laravel app.
  • You can interact with those artisan commands by using the laravel package, it also allow you to easily interact with the temporal data: laravel-spreadsheet-importer
  • Compatible with multiple formats, see the compatible formated in the dependency (
  • Once the temporal table is uploaded, you can play with the data, execute Eloquent & SQL queries, import the content into the final table, etc., and of course once you finish working with the data you can remove the temporal table.
  • Using node instead of PHP for reading and import spreadsheets is considerably faster, also, because you will work with a temporal database table, the data is much easier to work with and the operations are faster.
  • Compatible with PostgreSQL as MySQL

Uses pg-copy-streams for faster inserts in PostgreSql datatabases. Uses xlsx to parse xlsx files.


npm install @alfonsobries/xlsx-laravel-spreadsheet-importer --save


Create a .env file with the database settings (If the files exists in your laravel app this step is not neccesary)

DB_CONNECTION=pgsql # or mysql
$ ./node_modules/.bin/xlsx-laravel-spreadsheet-importer \
    -i input.xlsx \

Or for a laravel app

$ ./node_modules/.bin/xlsx-laravel-spreadsheet-importer \
    -i input.xlsx \
    --php /usr/bin/php \
    --artisan /home/myproject/path/artisan \
    --env testing
    --relatedId 1
    --relatedClass "App\Models\MyModel"

The laravel package automatically generates this command for you: laravel-spreadsheet-importer

$ xlsx-laravel-spreadsheet-importer --help
  --help               Show help                                       [boolean]
  --version            Show version number                             [boolean]
  --input, -i          Input xlsx file                       [string] [required]
  --sheets, -s         Only import specified sheets                      [array]
  --sheetsIndex, --si  Only import specified sheets index                [array]
  --prefix, -p         Prefix is prepended to the table name
                                                          [string] [default: ""]
  --tableNames, -n     Table names to use when storing the data (instead of the
                       sheet name)                         [array] [default: []]
  --batchSize, -b      Amount of rows per single insert query
                                                        [number] [default: 1000]
  --drop               Drops and recreates matched tables
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --create, -c         Creates tables                 [boolean] [default: false]
  --id                 If set generates and ID column with the value
                                                        [string] [default: null]
  --relatedId          Name of the related ID where the data comes from (to send
                       to the artisan command)          [string] [default: null]
  --relatedClass       Name of the related Model Class where the data comes from
                       (to send to the artisan command) [string] [default: null]
  --columns            Extra column:value to add into the database
                                                           [array] [default: []]
  --formatted, -f      Read as formatted text by default
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --artisan            Laravel php artisan path           [string] [default: ""]
  --php                php executable path             [string] [default: "php"]
  --env                enviroment to sent to the artisan command
                                                          [string] [default: ""]

Artisan command

If the --artisan option is set it will create a Laravel artisan command with the progress of the import that can be read in a Laravel app.

Option Possible values Description
--relatedClass Any value used a relatedClass param Optional id that was sent as a param when running the script (useful to associate the data to a model for example)
--relatedId Any value used a relatedId param Optional id that was sent as a param when running the script (useful to associate the data to a model for example)
--type started, readed, connected, total_rows, table_created, error, finished,processing
--data Depends of the type of the progress, for total_rows the number of rows, for table_created the name of the table, for error the error message, for processing the total rows processed Data related with the progress type
--env Laravel app enviroment Optional env that was sent as a param when running the script (to run the artisan command in different enviroments)
--pid The current process id The process id of the running script, useful for kill the process if neccesary


Imports xslx files using node js in temporal tables and inform laravel application about the progress








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