This is a project for Java intensive course.
This application provides various commands to manage clients and apartments. Below is a list of available commands along with their syntax and descriptions:
create client
Creates a new client with the automatically generated UUID and name.
create client UUID name
Creates a new client with the specified UUID and name.
delete client UUID
Deletes the client with the specified UUID.
get client UUID
Retrieves and displays the details of the client with the specified UUID.
get_all client sort
'sort' param have to contain [ ID NAME STATUS ]
Retrieves and displays list of all clients with specified sort param.
check_in clientUUID apartmentUUID
Associates the client with the specified UUID with the apartment with the specified UUID.
check_out clientUUID apartmentUUID
Disassociates the client with the specified UUID from the apartment with the specified UUID.
calculate_price clientUUID
Calculates and displays the price for the stay of the client with the specified UUID.
create apartment
Creates a new apartment with the automatically generated UUID, price, capacity, availability, and apartment status.
create apartment [UUID price capacity availability apartment_status]
Creates a new apartment with the specified UUID, price, capacity, availability, and apartment status.
delete apartment UUID
Deletes the apartment with the specified UUID.
get apartment UUID
Retrieves and displays the details of the apartment with the specified UUID.
get_all apartment sort
'sort' param have to contain [ ID CAPACITY AVAILABILITY PRICE ]
Retrieves and displays list of all apartments with specified sort param.
adjust apartmentUUID price
Adjusts the price of the apartment with the specified UUID to the specified price.
Exits the application.