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An opinionated cross-platform full-stack application template developed with Rust, Cargo Mobile 2, Dioxus, Warp, Diesel, PostgreSQL, Supabase Auth, Bun and TailwindCSS.


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An opinionated cross-platform full-stack application template developed with Rust,
Cargo Mobile 2, Dioxus, Warp, Diesel, PostgreSQL, Supabase Auth, Bun and TailwindCSS.
Inspired by an attempt at rewriting in Rust the t4-app project.


  • Install cargo-mobile2 using cargo install --git
  • Install cargo-watch using cargo install cargo-watch
  • Install bun using curl -fsSL | bash or powershell -c "irm | iex"
  • Install @material-tailwind/html using bun install
  • Watch and build TailwindCSS using bun tailwind

Supabase Auth

  • Create a new project on Supabase, this will be used for authentication, database integration & media storage.
  • To setup Supabase Auth copy the .env.example file in a new .env file and fill in the SUPABASE_URL, SUPABASE_API_KEY and SUPABASE_JWT_SECRET fields with your Supabase credentials (found in the Supabase dashboard under project settings).


  • To setup the database integration fill in the DATABASE_URL in the .env file with a PostgreSQL connection string (you can use the one provided by Supabase):
  • Install the Diesel CLI using cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres. You could run into some issues linking the postgres library, in that case you should install the libpq-dev package (or Postgres for Windows) on your system and setup the correct rustc linker path search in the .cargo/config.toml file:
rustc-link-search = ["/path/to/postgres/15/lib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["libpq"]

# or for Windows

rustc-link-search = ["C:\\path\\to\\postgres\\15\\lib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["libpq"]
  • Run migrations using bun migrate or call directly the diesel CLI inside the api folder.
  • Database access is gated to authenticated users but you can change that easily in the api/src/ file by removing the JWT verification.

Supabase Storage

  • To setup Supabase Storage you should create two new buckets in the Supabase dashboard (e.g. a private bucket images and a public one public-images), then upload a file to them (e.g. t5.png).

  • Make sure to allow read and/or write access to the private bucket for authenticated users, using Supabase RLS as follows:

  • The example images (both public and authed) are instantiated inside the about page.



  • Run the API server using bun api (or cargo run inside the api folder).

All the below notes on various package versions and features are handled by the bun web, bun desktop, and bun android commands by automatically copying the correct Cargo.toml (.web, .desktop or .mobile) file to the project root so beware of running multiple platorms at the same time.


To compile this you must switch on the web feature of the dioxus package and remove the mobile one. Works only without openssl installed with the vendored option in the Cargo.toml.

  • Compile and run the web app using bun web (or dx serve).


Works with openssl installed with the vendored option and also without it (builds significantly faster both on Windows and Linux).

  • Install all the necessary prerequisites for the dioxus-cli, you can find them here.
  • You should install llvm on your system with sudo apt install llvm-dev libclang-dev clang lib on Linux, winget install LLVM.LLVM on Windows or brew install llvm on MacOS to compile the desktop app.
  • You will also need to setup the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable for Windows to point to the LLVM installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin)
  • Compile and run the desktop app using bun desktop (or dx serve --platform desktop).


Works only with openssl installed with the vendored option (requires perl of the UNIX flavour to build it, this means you cannot use the Windows perl version directly). Avoid spaces in the absolute path of the project folder, this will cause a linking error while building openssl.

  • You have to run cargo mobile init to generate only the .cargo/config.toml file and discard the other changes. If that errors out just create it with the following content to setup the linker for the Android targets:
linker = "/<absolute-path-to-home>/<path-to-sdk>/ndk/<ndk-version>/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android<api-version>-clang"

linker = "/<absolute-path-to-home>/<path-to-sdk>/ndk/<ndk-version>/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/armv7-linux-android<api-version>-clang"

linker = "/<absolute-path-to-home>/<path-to-sdk>/ndk/<ndk-version>/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/i686-linux-android<api-version>-clang"

linker = "/<absolute-path-to-home>/<path-to-sdk>/ndk/<ndk-version>/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/x86_64-linux-android<api-version>-clang"
  • You should also setup all the below environment variables in your terminal or in your .bashrc/.zshrc file (or in the system environment for Windows) and install gcc-multilib with apt to compile the Android app:
# These two variables depend on the architecture of the device 
# and the API version you are targeting
export TARGET=aarch64-linux-android
export API=33

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android
export NDK_HOME=$ANDROID_HOME/ndk/<your-ndk-version>

export TOOLCHAIN=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64
export AR=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/llvm-ar
export CC=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang
export AS=$CC
export CXX=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang++
export LD=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/ld
export RANLIB=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/llvm-ranlib
export STRIP=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/llvm-strip

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/bin:\
  • Compile and run the Android app using bun android (or cargo android run).
  • You can also debug the app wirelessly using adb tcpip 5555 and adb connect <device-ip>:5555 with the device temporarily connected via USB (this works great on WSL).
  • Connect to the local API server using adb reverse tcp:8000 tcp:8000 from the local machine.


  • To produce optimized builds add the following code in the .cargo/config.toml file introduced above:
opt-level = "z"
debug = false
lto = true
codegen-units = 1
panic = "abort"
strip = true
incremental = false
  • If you want to use Github Actions to deploy the app (API, Web & Desktop) you should add the following secrets in the repository settings (the above optimizations are already included in the workflows):
API_URL (for the web app) -> update this after your API deployment
APP_URL (for the API) -> update this after your web deployment


  • Install the flyctl CLI using curl -L | sh and login with your account using fly auth login.
  • Create a new Fly app inside the project folder using fly launch and following the prompts, using the existing Dockerfile and fly.toml files.
  • Deploy the API using fly deploy or bun deploy:api. You can then change the API_URL in the .env file to the one deployed by Fly.
  • You can also deploy the API though Github Actions using the ./github/workflows/deploy-api.yml workflow, adding to the repository secrets the FLY_API_TOKEN key, generated with fly tokens create deploy -x 999999h.


  • To deploy the web app using Github Pages you have to choose in the repository settings under Pages the gh-pages branch. You should also set workflow permissions under the Actions settings to Read and write permissions.
  • Change the base_path in the Dioxus.pages.toml file to match the name of your repository.
  • Remember to deploy your api with APP_URL set to your Github Pages domain (e.g. otherwise there will be CORS errors.
  • Configure the .github/workflows/deploy-web.yaml workflow to deploy on every push to the master branch or manually with the workflow_dispatch event.


The Github action for MacOS is not yet implemented. Linux is barely functioning since the built bundle has some bugs (e.g the installed .deb package searches assets in the folder where you call it and not globally). Windows is the only platform that bundles correctly for now.

  • For Windows you can configure the .github/workflows/windows.yaml workflow to build and upload the .msi installer in the action artifacts on every push to the master branch or manually with the workflow_dispatch event.
  • For Linux you can configure the .github/workflows/linux.yaml workflow to build and upload the .deb package along with the dist folder in the action artifacts on every push to the master branch or manually with the workflow_dispatch event.
  • Currently dx bundle is being actively developed and is not yet ready for production use, so you should use dx build if bundling fails on other platforms (this is not good since you need attach the entire dist folder to your release build).


  • You can build the Android app using the bun build:android command, this will generate various .apk files in subfolders of gen/android/app/build/outputs/apk/ for each ABI.
  • Generate a keystore file to sign the app using the keytool CLI as follows:
keytool -genkey -keystore release.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -validity 10000
  • You can then sign each generated .apk file using the jarsigner CLI as follows:
jarsigner -keystore release.keystore ./path/to/apk alias_name
  • After signing an .apk you can install the app on your device physically or using adb install ./path/to/apk (you should sign and install an .apk compatible with the ABI of your device).