The BB84 protocol leverages no-cloning properties of quantum systems to allow two parties -- Alice and Bob -- to negotiate a shared secret which is impervious to an attacker -- Eve -- with unlimited mathematical sophistication and computational resources. This project aims to provide an off-the-shelf implementation of the software side of the BB84 protocol and the post-processing steps necessary to make it practically useful.
We currently only support Go, but plausibly might provide C++ and/or Rust implementations in the future.
This is a free/libre project, so pull requests and bug reports are always welcom. Would-be contributors should be aware of two caveats, however:
- This project is currently funded on a single individual's hobby time. Expectations on turnaround should be set accordingly.
- Pull requests which don't respect Effective
Go, aren't formatted with
, or don't contain sufficient tests shouldn't expect to be merged.