pwnraid/bnet is a PHP 5.5+ library for working with the Web APIs.
The preferred method of installation is via Packagist and Composer. Run the following command to install the package and add it as a requirement to your project's composer.json
composer require pwnraid/bnet
The latest class API documentation is available online.
This project uses ApiGen to generate this documentation. To generate the documentation on your own, install dev dependencies and run the following command from the root of the project:
./vendor/bin/apigen generate --source="src" --destination="build/apidocs" --title="pwnraid/bnet" --template-theme="bootstrap" --deprecated --todo
This will generate documentation in the build/apidocs/
- Implement all available API endpoints (see below).
- Write some documentation.
- Clean up response entities.
- 100% test coverage.
- Switch cache from tedivm/stash to PSR-6 interfaces.
- Stable release (>=1.0) of thephpleague/oauth2-client.
- /account/user/id
- /account/user/battletag
- /d3/profile/:battletag/
- /d3/profile/:battletag/hero/:id
- /d3/data/item/:data
- /d3/data/follower/:follower
- /d3/data/artisan/:artisan
- /account/user
- /sc2/profile/user
- /wow/user/characters
- /sc2/profile/:id/:region/:name/
- /sc2/profile/:id/:region/:name/ladders
- /sc2/profile/:id/:region/:name/matches
- /sc2/ladder/:id
- /sc2/data/achievements
- /sc2/data/rewards
- /wow/achievement/:id
- /wow/auction/data/:realm
- /wow/pet
- /wow/pet/ability/:abilityid
- /wow/pet/species/:speciesid
- /wow/pet/stats/:speciesid
- /wow/mount
- /wow/challenge/:realm
- /wow/challenge/region
- /wow/character/:realm/:charactername
- /wow/item/:itemid
- /wow/item/set/:setid
- /wow/guild/:realm/:guildname
- /wow/leaderboard/:bracket
- /wow/quest/:questid
- /wow/realm/status
- /wow/recipe/:recipeid
- /wow/spell/:spellid
- /wow/data/battlegroups
- /wow/data/character/races
- /wow/data/character/classes
- /wow/data/character/achievements
- /wow/data/guild/rewards
- /wow/data/guild/perks
- /wow/data/guild/achievements
- /wow/data/item/classes
- /wow/data/talents
- /wow/data/pet/types
- /wow/zone/
- /wow/zone/:zoneid
- /wow/boss/
- /wow/boss/:bossid
- /data/d3/season
- /data/d3/season/:id
- /data/d3/season/:id/leaderboard/:leaderboard
- /data/d3/era
- /data/d3/era/:id
- /data/d3/era/:id/leaderboard/:leaderboard
The pwnraid/bnet library is copyright © Jonas Stendahl and licensed for use under the MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information., Warcraft, World of Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo are copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
This library is neither endorsed by nor associated with Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.