Online web role playing game (RPG) engine let you build your own game directly from your browser. This is a complete and fully running engine, allowing to directly create a multi-player game running on any HTML5 browser (even mobile phones).
This is also the same base engine used on
- Your server must have MySQL or MariaDB installed. Tp download it:
- Node.JS installed (we tested it with v6.11). To download it:
- Install node and MariaDb on your computer
- Clone or download the repository
- Run the "start_server.cmd" file and your engine should start (make sure you fulfill the requirements).
Later on you may still use "start_server.cmd" to run the engine
- Clone or download the repository
- Create a database on your MySQL or MariaDB and create a DB user for the engine
- delete the file must_install.txt
- Import the SQL statements from tables.txt into your database
- Edit the package.json file (config section)
- Using a command prompt install the needed packages: "npm install ." (this must be run within the directory where the package.json is)
- Using a command prompt start the server: "node server.js"
- Using your browser connect to or the port specified in the package.json
Default user: admin password: admin
- Edit the .ts files never the resulting .js as they will be overwitten when you compile the engine
- Use gulp with the task compile to compile once or the default task will watch the changes and compile when needed
- Install gulp-cli: npm install --global gulp-cli
- Edit the needed TS files
- Compile to JS: gulp compile:client compile:server
You may keep gulp monitoring the changes and compile as needed by just running "gulp default"