A mini sql engine which can run a subset of SQL queries using command line interface.
- csv files for tables.
- If a file is : File1.csv , the table name should be File1
- There should be no tab separation or space separation, but the values can be in double quotes or without quotes.
- All the elements in files should be integers.
- A file named: metadata.txt should be given which will have the following structure for each table:
<table_name> <attribute 1> .. .. <attribute N> <end_table>
- Column names should be unique among all the tables. So column names should not preceded by table names in SQL queries.
The the following set of queries are supported:
- Project Columns(could be any number of columns) from one or more tables :
Select * from table_name
;Select col1, col2 from table_name
- Aggregate functions: Simple aggregate functions on a single column. Sum, average, max, min and count.
Select max(col1) from table_name
- Select/project with distinct from one table: (distinct of a pair of values indicates the pair should be distinct)
Select distinct col1, col2 from table_name;
- Select with WHERE from one or more tables :
Select col1,col2 from table1,table2 where col1 = 10 AND col2 = 20;
- In the where queries, there should be a maximum of one AND/ORoperator with no NOT operators.
- Relational operators that are to be handled in the assignment, the operators include "< , >, <=, >=, =".
- Select/Project Columns(could be any number of columns) from table using “group by”:
Select col1, COUNT(col2) from table_name group by col1.
- In the group by queries, Sum/Average/Max/Min/Count can be used as aggregate functions.
- Select/Project Columns(could be any number of columns) from table in ascending/descending order according to a column using “order by”:
Select col1,col2 from table_name order by col1 ASC|DESC
.- At max only one column can be used to sort the rows.
- Query can have multiple tables
python3 sql_engine.py "<SQL Query>"
Row 1
Row 2
Row N