This is the public resume of Alexander Anthony Kaszynski. Feel free to contact me at my personal email address at [email protected] for serious inquiries regarding FEMORPH.
See my resume for more details regarding my employment, education, and skills.
Also, see my LinkedIn page regarding my current and past employment, which is also summarized below.
Currently a software developer working as an independent contractor for the the US Air Force Research Laboratory. My current work is centered on the development and maintenance of FEMORPH, which modifies finite element models to match as-manufactured geometry to create highly accurate finite element models. Latest development work includes incorporating CFD meshes. The software has been licensed by Pratt & Whitney and is used for research and development by AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory). See:
Most of my open source projects can be found on my GitHub landing page at akaszynski, but I've also contributed to or created several open source projects that have been moved over to PyVista. I'm a big proponent of open-source and contribute to it whenever possible.
My research has been focused on Finite Element Analysis and mesh metamorphosis. Feel free to browse my research at research papers.
Resumes generated using LaTeX and combined with pdftx
. The reasoning behind
combining two resumes is I wasn't satisfied with a single page resume, nor was
I happy with just a detailed (perhaps too detailed) resume. Combining these
seems like the best option so employers can get a clear overview on a single
page, but can dive deeper into my background if they're interested without
getting overwhelmed upfront.
sudo apt install pdftk-java
pdftk A=first_page/resume_first_page.pdf B=resume.pdf cat A1-2 B2-end output full_resume.pdf