Defines Docker aliases and functions.
With zplug
zplug "akarzim/zsh-docker-aliases"
With Oh My Zsh:
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-docker-aliases
# then add `zsh-docker-aliases` to `plugins` in your .zshrc
With zinit
zinit light akarzim/zsh-docker-aliases
is short fordocker
Attach to a running containerdka!
Attach to a running container by namedkb
Build an image from a Dockerfiledkd
Inspect changes on a container's filesystemdkdf
Show docker filesystem usagedke
Run a command in a running containerdkE
Run an interactive command in a running containerdkE!
Run an interactive command in a running container by namedkh
Show the history of an imagedki
List imagesdkin
Return low-level information on a container, image or taskdkk
Kill a running containerdkkh
Sendkill -s HUP
signal to a running containerdkl
Fetch the logs of a containerdkL
Fetch and follow (-f
) the logs of a containerdkli
Log in to a Docker registrydklo
Log out from a Docker registrydkls
is alias fordkps
Pause all processes within one or more containersdkP
Unpause all processes within one or more containersdkpl
Pull an image or a repository from a registrydkplI
Pull all tagged imagesdkph
Push an image or a repository to a registrydkps
List containersdkps!
Display the first matching docker container ID by namedkpsa
List all containers (default lists just running)dkr
Run a command in a new containerdkR
Run an interactive command in a new container and automatically remove the container when it exitsdkRe
and set entry point to/bin/bash
Remove one or more containersdkrmi
Remove one or more imagesdkrmC
Clean up exited containersdkrmI
Clean up dangling imagesdkrmV
Clean up unused volumes ( Docker >= 1.9 )dkrn
Rename a containerdks
Start one or more stopped containersdkS
Restart a containerdkss
Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statisticsdksv
Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)dkt
Tag an image into a repositorydktop
Display the running processes of a containerdkup
Update configuration of one or more containersdkV
Manage Docker volumesdkv
Show the Docker version informationdkw
Block until a container stops, then print its exit codedkx
Stop a running container
Manage containersdkCa
Attach to a running containerdkCcp
Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystemdkCd
Inspect changes on a container's filesystemdkCe
Run a command in a running containerdkCE
Run an interactive command in a running containerdkCin
Display detailed information on one or more containersdkCk
Kill one or more running containersdkCl
Fetch the logs of a containerdkCL
Fetch and follow (-f
) the logs of a containerdkCls
List containersdkCp
Pause all processes within one or more containersdkCpr
Remove all stopped containersdkCrn
Rename a containerdkCS
Restart one or more containersdkCrm
Remove one or more containersdkCr
Run a command in a new containerdkCR
Run an interactive command in a new container and automatically remove the container when it exitsdkCRe
and set entry point to/bin/bash
Start one or more stopped containersdkCss
Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statisticsdkCx
Stop one or more running containersdkCtop
Display the running processes of a containerdkCP
Unpause all processes within one or more containersdkCup
Update configuration of one or more containersdkCw
Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes
Manage imagesdkIb
Build an image from a DockerfiledkIh
Show the history of an imagedkIim
Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem imagedkIin
Display detailed information on one or more imagesdkIls
List imagesdkIpr
Remove unused imagesdkIpl
Pull an image or a repository from a registrydkIph
Push an image or a repository to a registrydkIrm
Remove one or more imagesdkIsv
Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)dkIt
Tag an image into a repository
Manage volumesdkVin
Display detailed information on one or more volumesdkVls
List volumesdkVpr
Remove all unused volumesdkVrm
Remove one or more volumes
Manage networksdkNs
Connect a container to a networkdkNx
Disconnects a container from a networkdkNin
Displays detailed information on a networkdkNls
Lists all the networks created by the userdkNpr
Remove all unused networksdkNrm
Deletes one or more networks
Manage DockerdkYdf
Show docker filesystem usagedkYpr
Remove unused data
Manage Docker stacksdkKls
List stacksdkKps
List the tasks in the stackdkKrm
Remove the stack
Manage Docker Swarm
is short fordocker-machine
Get or set the active machinedkmcp
Copy files between machinesdkmd
Set up the default machine ; alowing you to usedkme
without argumentsdkme
Set up the environment for the Docker client (eg:dkme staging
to toggle to staging)dkmin
Inspect information about a machinedkmip
Get the IP address of a machinedkmk
Kill a machinedkmls
List machinesdkmpr
Re-provision existing machinesdkmps
is alias fordkmls
Regenerate TLS Certificates for a machinedkmrm
Remove a machinedkms
Start a machinedkmsh
Log into or run a command on a machine with SSHdkmst
Get the status of a machinedkmS
Restart a machinedkmu
Get the URL of a machinedkmup
Upgrade a machine to the latest version of Dockerdkmv
Show the Docker Machine version or a machine docker versiondkmx
Stop a machine
Note from docker-compose v1.29.2: Except for the Linux platform, Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI.
is short fordocker-compose
Build or rebuild servicesdkcB
Build or rebuild services and do not use cache when building the imagedkccp
Copy files/folders between a service container and the local filesystemdkccr
Creates containers for a servicedkccv
Converts the compose file to platform's canonical formatdkcd
Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumesdkce
Execute a command in a running containerdkcev
Receive real time events from containersdkci
List images used by the created containersdkck
Kill containersdkcl
View output from containersdkcL
View and follow (-f
) output from containersdkcls
List running compose projects (or alias todkcps
under Linux)dkcp
Pause servicesdkcP
Unpause servicesdkcpl
Pull service imagesdkcph
Push service imagesdkcpo
Print the public port for a port bindingdkcps
List containersdkcr
Run a one-off commanddkcR
Run a one-off command and remove container after run.dkcrm
Remove stopped containersdkcs
Start servicesdkcsc
Set number of containers for a servicedkcS
Restart servicesdkct
Display the running processesdkcu
Create and start containersdkcU
Create and start containers in detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container namesdkcv
Show the Docker-Compose version informationdkcx
Stop services
The author of this module should be contacted via the issue tracker.