PyTurbSim is a tool for producing spatial time-series (a sequence of 2-D planes) that are statistically similar to real oceanic and riverine Turbulence. In particular, PyTurbSim is designed to produce time-series with energy spectra, spatial coherence, mean profile, tke profile, and Reynold's-stress profiles that match real marine/river turbulence.
PyTurbSim is the official water-turbulence simulation tool for hydrokinetic turbine device simulation (a.k.a. HydroTurbSim), and is also a valuable development and testing platform for NREL's 'TurbSim' tool. New spectral models can be implemented easily in a pythonic, object-oriented manner, and plotting routines for comparing output to targets and/or data are included.
For more information visit the PyTurbSim home page.
PyTurbSim is released publically by the National Renewable Energy Lab under the Apache license (see LICENSE.txt).