Master Deep Learning, and Break into AI
Instructor: Andrew Ng
This repo contains all the lecture notes and supplemental notes for this specialization. I won't update it with my solutions because that would be ethically wrong! I am using it as a reminder for me in case I forgot something, so instead of go through the whole videos again, I will just check it first here ;)
You can solve the assignments yourself even if you are just Auditing, sometime notebook won't open, so these are quick links for open-able notebook, then you shall choose "File > Open" and you will find all the weeks' materials, programming assignments, and datasets.
- Learn the foundations of Deep Learning
- Understand how to build neural networks
- Learn how to lead successful machine learning projects
- Learn about Convolutional networks, RNNs, LSTM, Adam, Dropout, BatchNorm, Xavier/He initialization, and more.
- Work on case studies from health-care, autonomous driving, sign language reading, music generation, and natural language processing.
- Practice all these ideas in Python and in TensorFlow.
Week 1 - Introduction to deep learning
- Learning Objectives
- Understand the major trends driving the rise of deep learning.
- Be able to explain how deep learning is applied to supervised learning.
- Understand what are the major categories of models (such as CNNs and RNNs), and when they should be applied.
- Be able to recognize the basics of when deep learning will (or will not) work well.
- Notes 1 - Welcome to the Deep Learning Specialization
- Notes 2 - Frequently Asked Questions
- Learning Objectives
Week 2 - Neural Networks Basics
- Learning Objectives
- Build a logistic regression model, structured as a shallow neural network
- Implement the main steps of an ML algorithm, including making predictions, derivative computation, and gradient descent.
- Implement computationally efficient, highly vectorized, versions of models.
- Understand how to compute derivatives for logistic regression, using a backpropagation mindset.
- Become familiar with Python and Numpy
- Work with iPython Notebooks
- Be able to implement vectorization across multiple training examples
- Notes 1 - Logistic Regression as a Neural Network
- Notes 2 - Vectorization
- Notes 3 - Standard Notation
- Learning Objectives
Week 3 - Shallow Neural Networks
- Learning Objectives
- Understand hidden units and hidden layers
- Be able to apply a variety of activation functions in a neural network.
- Build your first forward and backward propagation with a hidden layer
- Apply random initialization to your neural network
- Become fluent with Deep Learning notations and Neural Network Representations
- Build and train a neural network with one hidden layer.
- Notes - Shallow neural networks
- Learning Objectives
- Learning Objectives
- Learning Objectives
- See deep neural networks as successive blocks put one after each other
- Build and train a deep L-layer Neural Network
- Analyze matrix and vector dimensions to check neural network implementations.
- Understand how to use a cache to pass information from forward propagation to back propagation.
- Understand the role of hyper-parameters in deep learning
- Notes - Deep neural networks
- Learning Objectives
Week 1 - Practical aspects of Deep Learning
- Learning Objectives
- Recall that different types of initializations lead to different results
- Recognize the importance of initialization in complex neural networks.
- Recognize the difference between train/dev/test sets
- Diagnose the bias and variance issues in your model
- Learn when and how to use regularization methods such as dropout or L2 regularization.
- Understand experimental issues in deep learning such as Vanishing or Exploding gradients and learn how to deal with them
- Use gradient checking to verify the correctness of your back-propagation implementation
- Notes - Practical aspects of Deep Learning
- Learning Objectives
Week 2 - Optimization algorithms
- Learning Objectives
- Remember different optimization methods such as (Stochastic) Gradient Descent, Momentum, RMSProp and Adam
- Use random mini-batches to accelerate the convergence and improve the optimization
- Know the benefits of learning rate decay and apply it to your optimization
- Notes - Optimization algorithms
- Learning Objectives
Week 3 - Hyper-parameter tuning, Batch Normalization and Programming Frameworks
- Learning Objectives
- Master the process of hyper-parameter tuning
- Learning Batch Norm
- Learn about multi-class classifier
- Train how to use tensorflow
- Notes - Hyper-parameter tuning and programming frameworks
- Learning Objectives
- Learning Objectives
- Understand why Machine Learning strategy is important
- Apply satisficing and optimizing metrics to set up your goal for ML projects
- Get to know single number evaluation metrics and how to deal with N metrics
- Choose a correct train/dev/test split of your dataset
- Understand how to define human-level performance
- Use human-level perform to define your key priorities in ML projects
- Take the correct ML Strategic decision based on observations of performances and dataset
- Notes - Introduction to ML Strategy
- Learning Objectives
- Learning Objectives
- Understand what multi-task learning and transfer learning are
- Manual help might be needed to assist in figuring out next steps
- Building up your system quickly then iterate
- Recognize bias, variance and data-mismatch by looking at the performances of your algorithm on train/dev/test sets
- Get to know when to use Transfer Learning and Multi-task learning
- Introduction to End-to-end deep learning
- Notes - Error Analysis
- Notes - End-to-end Deep Learning
- Learning Objectives
Week 1 - Foundations of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Learning Objectives
- Understand the convolution operation
- Understand the pooling operation
- Remember the vocabulary used in convolutional neural network (padding, stride, filter, ...)
- Build a convolutional neural network for image multi-class classification
- Notes - Convolutional Neural Networks
- Learning Objectives
Week 2 - Deep convolutional models: case studies
- Learning Objectives
- Understand multiple foundational papers of convolutional neural networks
- Analyze the dimensionality reduction of a volume in a very deep network
- Understand and Implement a Residual network
- Build a deep neural network using Keras
- Implement a skip-connection in your network
- Clone a repository from github and use transfer learning
- Notes - Practical advices for using ConvNets
- Learning Objectives
Good luck :)