A smartwatch project using ESP-12 module.
- Create github page
- Complete the menu UI code
- Take feature requests
- Complete the hardware setup
- Complete BOM with links
Wokwi project link: https://wokwi.com/projects/409083785783853057 NOT COMPLETED
The aim of the project is to create a smartwatch that;
- is daily-usable,
- is cheap,
- is WI-FI capable,
- uses OLED screen,
- is modular,
- is open-source.
Name | Purpose | Mandatory |
ESP-12 | WI-FI and MC | ✔️ |
128*64 OLED | Screen | ✔️ |
DS1302 | RTC IC | 🟡1 |
MH-CD42 | Battery Controller | ✔️ |
AMS1117 3.3v | 5v-3.3v Converter | ✔️ |
6x Buttons | Controlling the watch | 🟡2 |
400mA Battery | Storing Power | ✔️ |
Pogo Connectors | Charging&Flashing | ❌ |