This is an repository that contains some simple use cases for the usage of RTI DDS.
The files contained in this repository are published under MIT license with one exception: ShapeType.idl
This file is part of the RTI Connext DDS SDK (see and is used by a simple application for demonstration.
The original license did not allow the publication and so I want to express a special thank you to RTI for the allowance to publish the file under a new license as found in this repository.
This example is using XML creation for the DDS. More information can be found on
For the preparation of the dependencies, which are not available in maven central, the following needs to be executed:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$NDDSHOME/lib/java/nddsjava.jar -DgroupId=com.rti -DartifactId=nddsjava -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$NDDSHOME/lib/java/rticonnextmsg.jar -DgroupId=com.rti -DartifactId=rticonnextmsg -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$NDDSHOME/lib/java/rtiroutingservice.jar -DgroupId=com.rti -DartifactId=rtiroutingservice -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$NDDSHOME/lib/java/rtirsadapter.jar -DgroupId=com.rti -DartifactId=rtirsadapter -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=jar
The application can be built with:
./gradlew build
The examples can be executed in the following ways:
./ <Example>
- Shape
- ShapePublisher
- ShapeSubscriber
- ShapePublisher
- Request/Reply
- RequestReplyRequest
- RequestReplyReply
- RequestReplyRequest
- Mutable
- MutableBuffer
- MutablePublisher
- MutableSubscriber
- MutableBuffer
- Json
- Json
- Json
- Discovery
- Discovery
- Discovery
- Routing
- Static Routing
- Dynamic Routing
- Routing with Adapter
use ./runRoutingAdapter
- Static Routing
The examples can be used with the ShapeDemo. Start a ShapeDemo on domain 0 and a ShapeDemo on domain 1.
The following helper classes are available.
Logger that logs RTI messages via slf4j
TypeAdapterFactory for Enum, Sequence for the usage with GSON library
Command helper that helps in sending remote commands to a routing service.
Convert samples from/to byte buffer (in CDR format) and from/to DynamicData.
- Get participant data from publication/subscription data
- Switch the auto-enable behaviour for created entities
- Check if a domain participant is enabled
- Get a duration from a Java time value and time unit
The following RPMs are needed and must be placed into the directory docker/rpms
- rti-connext-dds-53-cloud-discovery-service-
- rti-connext-dds-53-routing-service-
- rti-connext-dds-53-runtime-pro-x64Linux3gcc4.8.2-
In order to build these RPM files please refer to this repository:
The build scripts included in the directories will copy the dependencies and build the images. The images are then also exported to tar.gz files for easy reuse without a build environment.
They can be loaded in the following way:
docker load -i shape-publisher.tar.gz