GraphML is a common standard for sharing property graphs. See and for details. This importer reads a graphml file and loads it into a property graph in the Oracle Database.
Note that the standard is not complete: it does not say anything about labels or element identifiers. As a consequence, different tools use different interpretations. The importer understands two styles of GraphML encodings:
- Tinkerpop style:
<node id="1">
<data key="labelV">person</data>
<data key="name">marko</data>
<data key="age">29</data>
<edge id="7" source="1" target="2">
<data key="labelE">knows</data>
<data key="weight">0.5</data>
The labels are in properties labelV
for vertices and labelE
for edges.
- Neo4j style.
<node id="n188" labels=":Movie">
<data key="labels">:Movie</data>
<data key="title">The Matrix</data>
<data key="tagline">Welcome to the Real World</data>
<data key="released">1999</data>
<edge id="e267" source="n189" target="n188" label="ACTED_IN">
<data key="label">ACTED_IN</data>
<data key="roles">["Neo"]</data>
The labels are in properties labels
for vertices and label
for edges. The vertex labels are prefixed with a :
(removed by the importer). Note also that the identifiers of vertices and edges are preceded by letter n
or e
. Those are also removed.
GraphML files do not impose any specific order on the content: usually, all nodes appear before all edges, but that is not a requirement. The importer does not assume any specific order.
This requires the java libraries included in your Oracle Graph installation:
$ export PG_HOME=/opt/oracle/graph
$ export CLASSPATH=.:$PG_HOME/lib/*
$ javac
View the command line parameters:
$ java GraphMLImporter
-f/--filename <filename>: name of GraphML file to import
-d/--jdbcUrl <JDBC connection>: JDBC connection string (jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:port/service)
-u/--username <User>: Database user name
-p/--password <Password>: Database user password
-g/--graphname <graphname>: Name of the graph to create or load into
-a/--action <action>: [CREATE] or APPEND or REPLACE
-t/--format <format>: NEO4J or [TINKERPOP]
-b/--batchsize <batchsize>: commit interval (0 = only commit at the end)
-s/--skipItem <skipItems>: number of items to skip (0 = nothing to skip)
-n/--numItems <numItems>: number of items to read (0 = until the ends)
-o/--topology YES/NO: [YES]: populate topology tables / NO: do not populate
-i/--indexing YES/NO: [YES]: create indexes and triggers / NO: do not create
-U/--uppercase YES/NO: [YES]: make all property names and labels uppercase"
Read a GraphML file in Tinkerpop encoding (this is the default when no format is specified)
$ java GraphMLImporter \
-f tinkerpop_sample.graphml \
-d jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb \
-u scott -p tiger -g tinkerpop_sample
Connecting to Database jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb
Processing file tinkerpop_sample.graphml
2020-11-25T17:39:34.875Z: 6 vertices, 6 edges inserted in 38 ms (-26.31579 per second) accumulated: 38 ms 315.78946 per second)
6 vertices
6 edges
Read a file in Neo4J encoding:
$ java GraphMLImporter \
-f neo4j_sample.graphml \
-d jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb \
-u scott -p tiger -g neo4j_sample -t neo4j
Connecting to Database jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb
Creating PG graph NEO4J_SAMPLE
Processing file neo4j_sample.graphml
2020-11-25T17:40:32.446Z: 8 vertices, 7 edges inserted in 46 ms (-21.73913 per second) accumulated: 46 ms 326.08698 per second)
Graph NEO4J_SAMPLE imported
8 vertices
7 edges
By default, the above examples will create a new graph.
-f or --filename: name of GraphML file to import
-d or --jdbcUrl: JDBC connection string (jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:port/service)
-u or --username: Database user name
-p or --password: Database user password
-g or --graphname: Name of the graph to create or load into
-a or --action: Import action. CREATE (default) creates a new graph. APPEND adds to an existing graph. REPLACE drops the existing graph and creates a new one. TRUNCATE truncates the existing graph and loads the new content.
-t or --format: This specifies the format used in the GraphML file as TINKERPOP (default) or NEO4J.
-b or --batchsize: commit interval (0 = only commit at the end)
-s or --skipItem: number of items to skip (0 = nothing to skip)
-n or --numItems: number of items to read (0 = until the ends)
-o or --topology: YES or NO. If YES (the default), the topology tables (xxxxVD$ and xxxxGT$) are populated with information extracted from the main graph tables (xxxxVT$ = vertices and xxxxGE$ = edges). The topology tables are only used when running PGQL queries directly on the database graph. They are not used when using the graph in-memory in the PGX server. Avoiding the creation of those tables reduces the storage footprint of the graph, and reduces the time needed to load the graph.
To populate the topology tables manually after the import, use the OPG_APIS.MIGRATE_PG_TO_CURRENT(<graph_name>)
Note that populating the topology tables implies the creation of indexes on all tables as well as the creation of the triggers on the main tables (xxxxVT$ and xxxxGE$) to automatically update the topology tables (xxxxVD$ and xxxxGT$), i.e. -o implies -i.
-i or --indexing: YES or NO. If YES (the default), indexes are automatically created on main graph tables (xxxxVT$ = vertices and xxxxGE$ = edges). Use -i no to skip this step if you need to do any manual updates to the graph tables (such as changing property or label names).
To create the indexes manually after the import and all updates use the OPG_APIS.CREATE_PG(<graph_name>, OPTIONS=>'SKIP_TABLE=T')
procedure. This will add the indexes without touching the actual graph tables.
-U or --uppercase: YES or NO. If YES (the default), the labels and property names are converted to uppercase. If NO, they retain the original case.
The --batchsize parameter specifies the frequency of commits. If not specified, or specified as 0
then the entire file is loaded in one step, with a final commit. This is fine for small files (a few thousands of vertices/edges), but for large files it is better to have regular commits: it allows you to monitor the progress of the load and also to restart from the last commit in case of failure.
For example, with a commit every 10000 graph items loaded:
$ java GraphMLImporter \
-f /Users/albert/Documents/Data/graph/GraphML/edreams-graph.graphml \
-d jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb \
-u scott -p tiger -g edreams -t neo4j -b 10000 -a create
Connecting to Database jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb
Creating PG graph EDREAMS
Processing file /Users/albert/Documents/Data/graph/GraphML/edreams-graph.graphml
2020-11-25T18:16:31.521Z: 10000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 929 ms (10764.262 per second) accumulated: 929 ms 10764.262 per second)
2020-11-25T18:16:32.418Z: 20000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 897 ms (11148.271 per second) accumulated: 1826 ms 10952.902 per second)
2020-11-25T18:16:33.899Z: 30000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1481 ms (6752.1943 per second) accumulated: 3307 ms 9071.666 per second)
2020-11-25T18:16:35.340Z: 40000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1441 ms (6939.6255 per second) accumulated: 4748 ms 8424.6 per second)
2020-11-25T18:16:36.626Z: 50000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1286 ms (7776.05 per second) accumulated: 6034 ms 8286.377 per second)
2020-11-25T18:16:37.861Z: 60000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1235 ms (8097.166 per second) accumulated: 7269 ms 8254.23 per second)
2020-11-25T18:16:39.051Z: 70000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1190 ms (8403.361 per second) accumulated: 8459 ms 8275.209 per second)
2020-11-25T18:16:40.398Z: 80000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1347 ms (7423.905 per second) accumulated: 9806 ms 8158.271 per second)
The log message shows the elapsed time and throughput for each batch of 10000 items (here vertices) as well as the total elapsed time since the beginning of the load, as well as the throughput since the beginning.
In case of failure, you can skip the items already loaded by indicating the number of items loaded in the last log message. For example, to resume the interrupted import above, specify the -skipItems parameter:
$ java GraphMLImporter \
-f /Users/albert/Documents/Data/graph/GraphML/edreams-graph.graphml \
-d jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb \
-u scott -p tiger -g edreams -t neo4j -b 10000 -a append \
-s 80000
Connecting to Database jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb
Processing file /Users/albert/Documents/Data/graph/GraphML/edreams-graph.graphml
Skipping 80000 items ...
... done skipping
2020-11-25T18:22:41.368Z: 10000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1699 ms (5885.815 per second) accumulated: 1699 ms 5885.815 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:43.090Z: 20000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1722 ms (5807.2007 per second) accumulated: 3421 ms 5846.2437 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:44.614Z: 30000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1524 ms (6561.6797 per second) accumulated: 4945 ms 6066.734 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:46.194Z: 40000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1580 ms (6329.114 per second) accumulated: 6525 ms 6130.268 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:47.752Z: 50000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1558 ms (6418.4854 per second) accumulated: 8083 ms 6185.822 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:49.176Z: 60000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1424 ms (7022.4717 per second) accumulated: 9507 ms 6311.139 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:50.775Z: 70000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1599 ms (6253.9087 per second) accumulated: 11106 ms 6302.8994 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:52.227Z: 80000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1452 ms (6887.0527 per second) accumulated: 12558 ms 6370.441 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:53.658Z: 90000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1431 ms (6988.12 per second) accumulated: 13989 ms 6433.6265 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:55.122Z: 100000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1464 ms (6830.601 per second) accumulated: 15453 ms 6471.2354 per second)
2020-11-25T18:22:56.497Z: 110000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1375 ms (7272.7275 per second) accumulated: 16828 ms 6536.7246 per second)
You can also choose to only load a section of the input file by specifying the -numItems parameter, which can also be combined with the -skipItems parameter:
$ java GraphMLImporter \
-f /Users/albert/Documents/Data/graph/GraphML/edreams-graph.graphml \
-d jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb \
-u scott -p tiger -g edreams -t neo4j -b 10000 -a append \
-s 120000 -n 40000
Connecting to Database jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/graphdb
Processing file /Users/albert/Documents/Data/graph/GraphML/edreams-graph.graphml
Skipping 120000 items ...
... done skipping
2020-11-25T18:29:04.986Z: 10000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1629 ms (6138.7354 per second) accumulated: 1629 ms 6138.7354 per second)
2020-11-25T18:29:06.429Z: 20000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1443 ms (6930.007 per second) accumulated: 3072 ms 6510.4165 per second)
2020-11-25T18:29:07.943Z: 30000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1514 ms (6605.02 per second) accumulated: 4586 ms 6541.6484 per second)
2020-11-25T18:29:09.445Z: 40000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 1502 ms (6657.7896 per second) accumulated: 6088 ms 6570.3022 per second)
2020-11-25T18:29:09.450Z: 40000 vertices, 0 edges inserted in 5 ms (-200.0 per second) accumulated: 6093 ms 6564.9106 per second)
Graph EDREAMS imported
40000 vertices
0 edges