Project contains implementations of most popular Algorithms and Data Strucutres. Each Algorithm will have its most important properties such as Time/Space complexity defined, example use cases, installation instructions, as well as code samples on how it can be used.
All Algorithms are split among number of DSAA Nuget packages, which can be installed using following commands:
Install-Package DSSA.Graph
Install-Package DSSA.Heap
Install-Package DSSA.List
Install-Package DSSA.Tree
or using dotnet CLI:
dotnet add package DSAA.Graph
dotnet add package DSAA.Heap
dotnet add package DSAA.List
dotnet add package DSAA.Tree
Please refer to the index below for an API documentation and usage examples:
Project has been created with an idea that over time the number of useful algorithms and data structures will grow, perhaps with the help of the community and that this can be a go to project for computer science students as well as professional software developers when in need of a specific algorithm and/or data strucutre. All implementations have been tested and an effort has been put in to design a reasonably usable API for real life use cases, however any ideas/improvements are very welcome and appreacited.
- Expand the variaty of algorithms offered for Graph problems
- Add implementations for an immutable Red-Black tree
- More ...