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incl. rmd producing paper figs & bump version
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andysouth committed Jan 26, 2021
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Package: afrihealthsites
Title: Geographic locations of African health facilities from different sources
person(given = "Andy",
family = "South",
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323 changes: 323 additions & 0 deletions inst/rmd/2021-01-healthsites-paper-figs.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
title: "2021-01-healthsites-paper-figs"
#output: html_document
output: word_document

R code to produce figures 4, 5 & 8 in : South et al. (2021) A reproducible picture of open access health facility data in Africa and R tools to support improvement. Wellcome Open Research.

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# install.packages("remotes") # if not already installed
# remotes::install_github("afrimapr/afrihealthsites")
# get development version of mapview to avoid error Error in if (![[i]])))
library(knitr) #for kable

```{r, eval=TRUE, include=FALSE}
#set to eval=TRUE to make figs for submission
# options to create final publication quality figures
# word doc summarises & figs get stored
# wellcome open research
# they want eps
# If none of the above options is possible then we also accept uncompressed TIFFs with a resolution of at least 600dpi at the size they are likely to be displayed at (see above).
dpi=300, #wellcome says 600, but makes huge files

Code to count the number of locations per country in each source dataset and save it.

```{r, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
#eval = FALSE after have run the first time because it takes few mins
data(afcountries) #just contains country names - from afrihealthsites
dfallcountries <- NULL
#takes a few minutes to do all countries
for( country in afcountries$name)
dfsumm <- afrihealthsites::merge_points(country, toreturn='summary',
hs_amenity=c('clinic', 'doctors', 'pharmacy', 'hospital'),
dist_same_m = 50)
dfallcountries <- rbind(dfallcountries, dfsumm)
#reformatting dataframe
# rename columns containing num locations from first entry in source columns (in this case healthsites and who)
names(dfallcountries)[which(names(dfallcountries)=='numpoints1')] <- as.character(dfallcountries$source1[1])
names(dfallcountries)[which(names(dfallcountries)=='numpoints2')] <- as.character(dfallcountries$source2[1])
# copy and rename object
df_hs_who_compare_50m <- dfallcountries
# remove source columns
df_hs_who_compare_50m <- df_hs_who_compare_50m[,-c(2,4)]
# save object
save(df_hs_who_compare_50m, file="data//df_hs_who_compare_50m.rda")

```{r, echo=FALSE, asis=TRUE}
# load data created above

Numbers by country in the three main datasets (healthsites, who-kemri and national mfls)

```{r fig4OLD_points_who_hs_moh, echo=FALSE, warnings=FALSE, asis=TRUE, fig.width=9, fig.height=9}
# arrange in order of who-kemri
df2 <- dplyr::arrange(df_hs_who_compare_50m, who, -healthsites)
positions <- df2$country
# pivot longer to structure data for plot
df3 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(df2, -c(country, threshdistm), names_to = "measure", values_to = "count")
# filter just rows wanted in plot
df4 <- dplyr::filter(df3,measure %in% c('healthsites','who'))
# adde facility numbers from ministry of health sources
# hardcoded here from analysis in and
dfmoh <- data.frame(country=c("Kenya","Malawi","Namibia","Rwanda","South Sudan","United Republic of Tanzania","Zambia"),
df5 <- rbind(df4,dfmoh)
# set factor order otherwise colours are wrong
df5$measure <- factor(df5$measure,levels=c("who", "healthsites","moh"))
# set colours
#point_cols <- c("who"='steelblue2', "healthsites"='firebrick1', "moh"='green3')
point_cols <- c('steelblue2', 'firebrick1','green3')
ggplot(df5, aes(x=country, y=count, colour=measure, shape=measure)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
scale_colour_manual(name="data source",
labels = c("WHO-KWTRP", "", "National List"),
values = point_cols) +
scale_shape_manual(name="data source",
labels = c("WHO-KWTRP", "", "National List"),
values=c(19,2,15)) +
# labs(subtitle="Normalised mileage from 'mtcars'",
# title= "Diverging Bars") +
ylab("number of health facility locations") +
scale_x_discrete(limits = positions) +
#scale_y_log10() +
theme_minimal() +

Numbers by country in the three main datasets + HeRAMS (healthsites, who-kemri and national mfls)

```{r fig4_points_who_hs_moh_herams, echo=FALSE, warnings=FALSE, asis=TRUE, fig.width=9, fig.height=9}
# arrange in order of who-kemri
df2 <- dplyr::arrange(df_hs_who_compare_50m, who, -healthsites)
positions <- df2$country
# pivot longer to structure data for plot
df3 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(df2, -c(country, threshdistm), names_to = "measure", values_to = "count")
# filter just rows wanted in plot
df4 <- dplyr::filter(df3,measure %in% c('healthsites','who'))
# add facility numbers from ministry of health sources
# hardcoded here from analysis in and
dfmoh <- data.frame(country=c("Kenya","Malawi","Namibia","Rwanda","South Sudan","United Republic of Tanzania","Zambia"),
#adding HeRAMS : read by eye from 2020-01-22
dfherams <- data.frame(country=c("Burkina Faso","Comoros","Ethiopia","Mali","Mozambique","Nigeria", "Central African Republic","Republic of Congo","Somalia","Sudan","Chad","Zimbabwe"),
df5 <- rbind(df4,dfmoh,dfherams)
# set factor order otherwise colours are wrong
df5$measure <- factor(df5$measure,levels=c("who", "healthsites","moh","herams"))
# set colours
#point_cols <- c("who"='steelblue2', "healthsites"='firebrick1', "moh"='green3')
point_cols <- c('steelblue2', 'firebrick1','green3','black')
ggplot(df5, aes(x=country, y=count, colour=measure, shape=measure)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
scale_colour_manual(name="data source",
labels = c("WHO-KWTRP", "", "National List", "WHO HeRAMS\n(not open)"),
values = point_cols) +
scale_shape_manual(name="data source",
labels = c("WHO-KWTRP", "", "National List", "WHO HeRAMS\n(not open)"),
values=c(19,2,15,3)) +
# labs(subtitle="Normalised mileage from 'mtcars'",
# title= "Diverging Bars") +
ylab("number of health facility locations") +
scale_x_discrete(limits = positions) +
#scale_y_log10() +
theme_minimal() +

Compare per country distributions of facility types between who and healthsites

```{r fig5_facility_types_hs_who9, echo=FALSE, warnings=FALSE, asis=TRUE, fig.width=9, fig.height=9}
country <- 'all'
# healthsites : clinic = > 10 doctors
hs_amenity <- c('clinic', 'doctors', 'pharmacy', 'hospital','dentist')
#WHO9 : I think I could cut it down further from 9
#also whocats9 from the table actually has 12 cats !
# "Hospital" "Health Centre" "Health Post" "Maternity" "Community Health Unit"
# "Dispensary" "Medical Center" "Health Clinic" NA "Polyclinic"
# "Health Station" "Health Hut"
#should be: hospital, health clinic, dispensary, community health unit, health post, health center, maternity ward, medical center, or polyclinic
sfwhoall <- afrihealthsites('all', datasource = 'who', plot=FALSE )
whocats9 <- unique(sfwhoall$facility_type_9)
whocatsless <- whocats9[which(! (whocats9=='Polyclinic' | whocats9=='Maternity' | whocats9=='Health station' ))]
#a check on the 240 NAs in reclassed WHO data
sfwhoNA <- sfwhoall[which($facility_type_9)),]
#unique(sfwhoNA[['Facility type']]) # gives 17 types that appear not to have been converted
#"Unites de Santé de village" "Postos Sanitários" "Hospitais Regionais" "Hospitais Centrais"
#"Centre Médico-Chirurgical" "Centre Médico-Urbain" "Poste De Santé" "Clinic without Maternity"
#"Public Health Unit" "Clinic with Maternity" "Health post" "Area Health Centre"
#"Family Health Clinic" "Medi-Clinic" "Hospitais" "Postos de Saúde Comunitária"
#"Primary Health Care Unit +"
#TODO add these into who_type_lookup
#type_filter <- whocatsless
gg1 <- afrihealthsites::facility_types(country,
datasource = 'healthsites',
plot_title = "A.",
type_filter = hs_amenity,
brewer_palette = "YlGn",
# using consistent 9 class facility types for WHO data, specify type_column='facility_type_9'
gg2 <- afrihealthsites::facility_types(country,
datasource = 'who',
plot_title = "B. WHO-KWTRP reclassified",
type_filter = whocatsless,
type_column = 'facility_type_9',
brewer_palette = "BuPu",
max_x1 <- max(ggplot_build(gg1)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x$continuous_range)
max_x2 <- max(ggplot_build(gg2)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x$continuous_range)
#set xmax for both plots to this
gg1 <- gg1 + xlim(c(0,max(max_x1,max_x2, na.rm=TRUE)))
gg2 <- gg2 + xlim(c(0,max(max_x1,max_x2, na.rm=TRUE)))
#set size of y plots to be dependent on num cats
#y axis has cats, this actually gets max of y axis, e.g. for 6 cats is 6.6
max_y1 <- max(ggplot_build(gg1)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y$continuous_range)
max_y2 <- max(ggplot_build(gg2)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y$continuous_range)
#setting heights to num cats makes bar widths constant between cats
gg1 / gg2 + plot_layout(heights=c(max_y1, max_y2)) #patchwork

```{r hs_beds_doctors, echo=FALSE, warnings=FALSE, asis=TRUE, fig.width=9, fig.height=9}
# try to count the numbers of attribute entries in healthsites data
country <- 'all'
sfhsall <- afrihealthsites(country, datasource = 'healthsites', plot=FALSE)
ids_beds <- which((sfhsall$beds != "")) #469
ids_docs <- which((sfhsall$staff_doctors != "")) #890
ids_nurs <- which((sfhsall$staff_nurses != "")) #934
934/56854 #1.64%

```{r fig8_zambia_moh, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, warnings=FALSE, asis=TRUE, fig.width=9, fig.height=9}
#eval=FALSE because this produces an interactive map. A zoomed screenshot is used for the paper.
url_zambia <- ""
dfzambia <- read.csv(url_zambia)
# plot an interactive map of the locations from the two sources
datasources = list('who', dfzambia),
type_column = 'facility_type',
label_column = 'name',
lonlat_columns = c('longitude', 'latitude'))
#previous problem with data that there are some NAs in coords columns
#not needed now because afrihealthsites copes
#dfzambia <- read.csv(url_zambia)
#dfzambia <- dfzambia[-which($longitude)),]
#plot zambia map on its own
# sfzambia <- afrihealthsites('zambia',
# datasource = dfzambia,
# type_column = 'facility_type',
# label_column = 'name',
# lonlat_columns = c('longitude', 'latitude'),
# plot=FALSE)
#nice comparison between MFL and WHO - similar, extra types in MFL
#but bit complicated to compare for the paper
#facility_types('zambia',datasource=dfzambia,type_column='facility_type',label_column='name',lonlat_columns = NULL)

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