- 14/Feb/2022
(15%) (30%) (50%) (70%) (85%) (100%)
[--------------|------------|-------------|------------|----------|---------] ($100)
[en] Version FREE, open source and WITHOUT TECHNICAL SUPPORT.
[pt_br] Versão gratuita, código aberto E SEM SUPORTE TÉCNICO.
This is a python bot to automate BombCrypto game.
Logs in to the game, reconnects when needed, closes error warnings, sends heroes to work or home automatically, has Telegram integration and lets you know by message or call if the farm stop.
It's free, open source, WITHOUT technical support, compatible with Windows and Linux (except multi account on Linux).
Telegram: https://t.me/bombcryptobcbot
- Download Python 3.10.1: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.10.1/python-3.10.1-amd64.exe
- Install the Python AND MARK THE OPTION Add Python 3.10 to PATH.
- Download this project.
- Extract the project to a directory of your choice, we suggest C:\BCBOT.
- Rename EXAMPLE-config.yaml to config.yaml (inside of directory config).
- Rename EXAMPLE-telegram.yaml to telegram.yaml (inside of directory config).
- Open the command prompt (CMD) as administrator.
- Install requirements:
cd C:\BCBOT && pip install -r requirements.txt --force
cd C:\BCBOT && python index.py
- Enable this feature on config.yaml (multi-account: true).
cd C:\BCBOT && python index.py
- We get better results with Firefox.
- Open up to 5 Firefox windows and make each window maximized ("big size").
Do you liked? Please contribute to help the project stay free and receive updates.
- 25/Jan/2022
(15%) (30%) (50%) (70%) (85%) (100%)
[--------------|------------|-------------|------------|----------|---------] ($500)