This is an interface generator for interfacing with Dynamodb via
Aws_async. Essentially, you
define a record in a ddbi file using lispish sexpressions and call the
command on that file.
Records are defined with the follking syntax
field-name = <ocaml valid field name>
field-type = <ocaml valid module name>
option = 'name'
model-name = <ocaml valid module name>
record_definition = '(' , <field-name> , <field-type> , ')'
| '(' , <field-name> , <field-type> , '(' , { <option> } , ')' , ')'
| '(' , <field-name> , 'foreign-model' , <model-name> , ')'
record = '(' , 'record' , <name> , <vsn> ,
{ <record-definition> } , ')'
An example of the above syntax can be found below.
(record test_record 2
(foo Ddbi.Types.Int)
(foo2 Ddbi.Types.Float)
(bar Ddbi.Types.String)
(baz Ddbi.Types.String (name))
(back Test_record_embedded)
(book foreign-model Test_record_dependency))
All of the field names must be valid ocaml field names, as do each of the module names. The version is used to help upgrade/downgrade from versions in the database.
You can treat any generated model as a type and embed it. If its embedded as a regular field type then the record is literally emedded in the parent record. If you declare it as a foreign-model then the record is stored in a seperate table and only the id for it is stored locally.
- Currency - Ddbi.Types.Int
- Float - Ddbi.Types.Float
- Int - Ddbi.Types.Int
- String - Ddbi.Types.String
- Uuid - Ddbi.Types.Uuid
These are somewhat obvious as to their purpose.
You can create a type manually just fine. You just have to include Ddbi.Type
It is recommeded that you generate the record with a{i}
then enclude that record in the record that provides the additional
functionality. That is the most straight forward way to add
functionality to a ddbi record.
ddbi [--suffix <suffix> --output <dir>] <ddbi-name>
open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
Options.use_ocamlfind := true;;
module Ddbi = struct
let cmd = "ddbi"
let run_ddbi dst suffix env _ =
let dir = Filename.dirname (env dst) in
let fname = (env "%.ddbi") in
match suffix with
| None ->
Cmd (S [A cmd; A "--output"; Px dir; Px fname])
| Some suf ->
Cmd (S [A cmd; A "--suffix"; A suf; A "--output"; Px dir; Px fname])
let rules () =
rule "%.ddbi ->{i}" ~prods:["";"%.mli"] ~dep:"%.ddbi"
(run_ddbi "%.ddbi" None);
rule "%.ddbi ->{i}" ~prods:["";"%_raw.mli"] ~dep:"%.ddbi"
(run_ddbi "%.ddbi" (Some "_raw"));
dispatch begin function
| After_rules ->
Ddbi.rules ()
| _ -> ()