Library that implements the functionality of jQuery Callbacks and few other options:
- callback priority (you can specify an order in which the callbacks are executed
- stop the execution of the callbacks stack by throwing a CallbackBreakExecutionException error (similar to the "stopOnFalse" flag with the exception that your callbacks can actually return false)
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Can be used for handling:
- List of callbacks to be executed at once
- Events
- Pub/Sub
// instanciate your callbacks stack
var clbs = new Callbacks('unique memory'); // the parameter is a string of flags
var someFunction = function (arg1, arg2, etc) {
// your function implementation here
// add a function to the callbacks' stack, enforce a certain context and specify a priority
clbs.add(someFunction, someContext, priority);
// if you don't specify a priority the functions will be executed in the order they are added
// remove a function at any point
// execute the callbacks stack, arg2, etc);
// execute the callbacks stack in a specific context
clbs.fireWith(context, arg1, args2, etc);
// the context from the fireWith() call will NOT override the context added to the function,
// if (!!!) there is one, but only if it wasn't provided
- unique: the same callback can be added only once to the stack. This is the default flag (ie: if you don't specify anything).
- once: a calbacks stack can only be fired once. Any callbacks added after the first fire() will be executed immediately
- memory: stores the results of each callback
Callbacks flags can be combined; the most you can have is 'unique once memory'.