Extracted from the official documentation Buefy
Prefix | Content |
b-dropdown | dropdown click me! |
b-dropdwown-hoverable | dropdown hoverable |
b-dropdwown-disabled | dropdown disabled |
b-dropdown-custom | dropdown custom trigger |
b-menu | simple menu |
b-menu-multi | menu multi level |
b-panel | simple panel |
b-panel-tabs | Panel witch Tabs |
b-tabs | Responsive horizontal navigation tabs |
b-tabs-center | Responsive horizontal navigation tabs position center |
b-tabs-right | Responsive horizontal navigation tabs position right |
b-tabs-icons | Tabs icons |
b-tabs-boxed | Tabs type Boxed |
b-tabs-toggle | Tabs type radio button |
b-tabs-expanded | Tabs type radio extends |
b-tooltip-right | Tooltip position right |
b-tooltip-top | Tooltip position top |
b-tooltip-bottom | Tooltip position bottom |
b-tooltip-left | Tooltip position left |
b-alert | default alert |
b-alert-custom | custom alert |
b-confirm | confirm default |
b-confirm-success | confirm custom is-success |
b-confirm-danger | confirm custom is-danger |
b-prompt | dialog prompt |
b-toast | Toasts are simple text messages to inform the user |
b-toast-success | Toasts are simple text[success] messages to inform the user |
b-toast-danger | Toasts are simple text[success] messages to inform the user |
b-snackbar | Dialog snackbar |
b-snackbar-warning | Dialog snackbar[warning] |
b-snackbar-danger | Dialog snackbar[danger] |
b-notification | Bold notification blocks to alert your users of something |
b-notification-info | Bold notification[info] blocks to alert your users of something |
b-notification-success | Bold notification[success] blocks to alert your users of something |
b-notification-warning | Bold notification[warning] blocks to alert your users of something |
b-notification-danger | Bold notification[danger] blocks to alert your users of something |