This is a rough AngularJS client and Django server that together display 10 tweets from twitter that can then be added to an interactive map.
- linux
- python3
- Node
- cd into the server directory
- run './'
- populate the TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN setting found at the top of 'server/assesment_site/assesment_site/'
- Have Node installed
- cd into the client directory
- run 'npm install'
- run './' located in the same directory as this readme
- point your browser at http://localhost:8000
A modern linux like environment is assumed. So far it has only been tried on a Fedora 25 workstation.
This exercise has been developed with Chrome with little to no testing in other browsers. Your mileage may vary.
The solution is by no means considered exemplary but should hopefully demonstrate the ability of the author to leverage various tech.