Rendera is an AI-powered image generation SaaS app developed as part of showcasing my skills in full-stack development. It allows users to generate stunning images using advanced AI technology, all within a simple and minimalistic design. The project demonstrates my proficiency in both frontend and backend development, including user authentication, payment integration, and real-time data handling.
- React.js 🖥️ – A powerful library for building dynamic user interfaces.
- Vite ⚡ – A modern build tool that significantly improves the development experience with fast hot-reloading and optimized build times.
- Tailwind CSS 🌿 – A utility-first CSS framework to create responsive and customizable designs without writing custom CSS.
- React Router DOM 🔄 – For handling dynamic routing in the frontend app.
- Axios 📡 – For making HTTP requests to the backend API.
- React Toastify 🥳 – To show success or error notifications in a simple and elegant way.
- Node.js 🌍 – A powerful runtime for building server-side applications in JavaScript.
- Express.js 🚀 – A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework to build APIs quickly.
- MongoDB 🗄️ – A NoSQL database for storing user data and images, offering flexibility and scalability.
- Razorpay 💳 – Payment gateway for managing transactions and buying credits in the app.
- JSON Web Token (JWT) 🔐 – For secure user authentication.
- Bcrypt 🔑 – For encrypting user passwords before storing them.
- CORS 🌐 – For enabling cross-origin requests between the frontend and backend.
User Authentication:
- User login, logout, and registration with secure password encryption.
Responsive Design:
- Clean, minimalistic, and fully responsive UI, ensuring a seamless experience across devices.
AI Image Generation:
- Users can generate unique images using AI technology integrated into the app.
Payment Integration:
- Secure payment functionality for buying credits, powered by Razorpay.
git clone
For both Frontend & Backend:
Navigate to the respective directories:
- Frontend:
cd Client
- Backend:
cd Server
- Frontend:
Install dependencies by running:
npm install
Create .env
files in both the Client
and Server
Client (.env):
Add the following environment variables in theclient/.env
file:VITE_BACKEND_URL='http://localhost:4000' RAZORPAY_KEY_ID='your-razorpay-key-id'
Server (.env):
Add the following environment variables in theserver/.env
file:MONGODB_URI='your-mongodb-connection-string' JWT_SECRET='your-jwt-secret' CLIPDROP_API='your-clipdrop-api-key' RAZORPAY_KEY_ID='your-razorpay-key-id' RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET='your-razorpay-secret-key' CURRENCY='INR'
Frontend (Client):
npm run dev
Backend (Server):
npm run server
The client/ directory contains the source code and assets for the React.js frontend application.
├── node_modules/
├── public/
├── src/
│ ├── assets/
│ ├── components/
│ ├── context/
│ ├── pages/
│ ├── App.jsx
│ ├── Index.css
│ ├── main.jsx
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── ...
The server/ directory holds the backend application, which is responsible for the logic of handling requests, authentication, and interactions with the database.
├── config/
│ ├── mongodb.js
├── controllers/
│ ├── imageController.js
│ ├── userController.js
├── middlewares/
│ ├── auth.js
├── models/
│ ├── transactionModel.js
│ ├── userModel.js
├── routes/
│ ├── imageRoutes.js
│ ├── userRoutes.js
├── .env
├── server.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── node_modules
- User Profiles: Allow users to create and manage personal profiles with saved images.
- Image Gallery: Create a gallery where users can view their previously generated images.
- Advanced AI Features: Integrate additional image manipulation tools powered by AI.
This project was developed by Adithyan Dileep.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn => Adithyan Dileep.
This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.