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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🎨 design
:art: design
Anything related to UX or UI
📚 docs
:books: docs
Anything related to the documentation
This pull request create breaking change
:construction: WIP
Work in progress
🎯 next
:dart: next
Anything related to the next major version
🧯 fix
:fire_extinguisher: fix
A bug fix
🌐 scope:website
:globe_with_meridians: scope:website
Anything related to the documentation website
🤝 contribution
:handshake: contribution
🧩 scope:component
:jigsaw: scope:component
Anything related to a component
🐞 bug
:lady_beetle: bug
Something isn't working
🚫 blocked
:no_entry_sign: blocked
📦 dependencies
:package: dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
♻️ refactor
:recycle: refactor
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
release candidate
release candidate
Anything related to the release candidate
🚀 feat
:rocket: feat
A new feature
🧼 chore
:soap: chore
Anything not related to source files
🧑‍💻 good first issue
:technologist: good first issue
Good for newcomers
🧪 test
:test_tube: test
Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
♿ scope: a11y
:wheelchair: scope: a11y
Anything related to the accessibility
🔧 scope: tools
:wrench: scope: tools
Anything related to tooling (css-dev-tools)
❌ wont fix
:x: wont fix
This will not be worked on
⚡ perf
:zap: perf
A code change that improves performance