TorrentCleaner is a Python script that automates the process of identifying and removing torrents that contain suspicious files (like .zipx
or .lnk
) from your Transmission download client. This ensures that unwanted or potentially harmful files are filtered out and deleted during the download process, keeping your system clean.
- Fetches the list of torrents from Sonarr's queue.
- Fetches the list of torrents from Radarr's queue.
- Identifies torrents managed by Transmission.
- Inspects torrent contents to find suspicious file extensions (
). - Automatically removes torrents containing suspicious files.
- Deletes associated files on disk using Transmission's API.
- Sonarr API key and URL
- Radarr API key and URL
- Transmission URL and credentials (if required)
- Python 3.x
- Python packages:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd TorrentCleaner
Install the required dependencies:
pip install requests
Set up your environment variables (or hardcode the values in the script):
- Sonarr API key
- Radarr API key
- Transmission username and password (if authentication is required)
- Hostnames and ports for Sonarr, Radarr and Transmission
sonarr_host = 'XXXX' # Update with your actual Sonarr host (e.g., 'localhost', '', etc.) sonarr_port = '8989' # Update with the actual port where Sonarr is running sonarr_url = f'http://{sonarr_host}:{sonarr_port}/api/v3/queue' sonarr_api_key = 'XXXX' # Replace with your actual Sonarr API key transmission_url = 'http://XXXX:9091/transmission/rpc' # Replace with your Transmission host and port transmission_username = 'username' # If Transmission has authentication transmission_password = 'password' radarr_host = 'localhost' # Update with your actual Radarr host radarr_port = '7878' # Update with the actual port where Radarr is running radarr_url = f'http://{radarr_host}:{radarr_port}/api/v3/queue' radarr_api_key = 'XXXX' # Replace with your actual Radarr API key
Once configured, you can run the script to automatically check for torrents with .zipx
or .lnk
files and remove them from Transmission.
Run the script:
The script will:
- Fetch all torrents from Sonarr's queue.
- Inspect the files in each torrent.
- If any
files are found, the torrent will be removed and the files deleted.
Checking torrent contents for: TVShow.S02E08
Identified suspicious file: TVShow.S02E08/TVShow.S02E08.zipx. Marking download for removal...
Successfully removed download XXXX from Sonarr's queue.
You can modify the file types that trigger removal by editing the filename.endswith()
checks in the script:
if filename.endswith('.zipx') or filename.endswith('.lnk'):
If you only need radarr or sonarr support, you can replace the fetch section in the script:
for app_name, api_url, api_key in [
('Sonarr', sonarr_url, sonarr_api_key),
('Radarr', radarr_url, radarr_api_key)
for app_name, api_url, api_key in [
('Sonarr', sonarr_url, sonarr_api_key)
for app_name, api_url, api_key in [
('Radarr', radarr_url, radarr_api_key)
Feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request or opening an issue. All contributions and suggestions are welcome.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.