Get hardware information easily with C#.
To get the hardware information, it is necessary to establish a connection through wich all queries will be executed, ash shown below:
WMIConnection connection = new WMIConnection();
Later, all the information of a device can be obtanined with the GetPropertyValuesForWMIClass function this will return a list of dictionaries since the computer can have more than one device of the same type installed, for example multiple hard disk drives, each dictionary in the list contains the information related to a device.
Take the following code as an example to get the information of the hard drives installed in the computer.
List<Dictionary<string, string>> disks = WMIResult.GetPropertyValuesForWMIClass(connection, "SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive", "Win32_DiskDrive");
try {
foreach(var disk in disks) {
foreach(var property in disk) {
Console.WriteLine(property.Key + ": " + property.Value);
} catch (SystemException) { }
For more information on how WMI works, see Querying WMI.
- Given_When_Then
It is a way to write the name of the test method, for example, there is a method in the project that is its name
After apply rule the test method is
Another example of a method
The name of the test method name is
Because this result is supposed to be obtained, from reading the name of the test function we know the objection of it, the input, and the expected result
AAA: Arrange , Act, Assert Which are the steps to write the test wherewith Arrange we know the inputs and declare the variables, then in Act we prepare the method to be tested, and finally Assert to check between the expected values for the test to be true and the actual value that returned. It has been implemented in the project's test methods.
To add a test project to the solution
- Select solution in a project and >
Add > New project
- The option is
MSTest Test Project
- Add test project with name like
Verification functions differ according to the type of data you will be comparing
- Assert
- StringAssert
- CollectionAssert
For more information about the tests in this project, see