Contact Adam at [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns
Working with data obtained from the Data 4 Development (D4D) challenge, we look to better understand how people move and how diseases spread using over a billion observations. We are employing data mining and pattern recognition techniques using Python.
['user_id', 'timestamp', 'site_id']
['user_id', 'timestamp', 'site_id']
123 arrondisemonts
1666 antennas
~300,000 users
Five definitions of home: overall, daytime, nighttime, weekday, weekend
-- helpful links
-- notes from research meetings
-- full_movement.txt - show aggregate 2-mer number of movements
-- out_data - contains number of users for each antenna for all five definitions of home location for all weeks for antennas
-- user1_out.txt - contains enumeration of all of user 1 specific patterns for first two weeks
-- - current working code to specific users patterns of movement
-- - generates an "anonymized" dataset with timesteps removed
-- - aggregates movements between antennas for all users
-- BC_working - directory dedicated to Bishal's migration code
-- - self evident
-- - generates five definitions of home location output aggregated by antennas and users
-- - helper functions to generate home locations
-- find . -size +5M | cat > .gitignore
- Home Locations by antenna (SET2) all 24 datasets for all five home defs
- Home Locations by arrondisemont (SET3) all 12 datasets all five home defs
- Aggregate movement between antennas (2-mers) for first dataset
- Visualizations of graphs showing overall movement between antennas
- Distances between each antenna
- Enumeration of specific patterns of movement by antenna for first five users
- Home Locations by user for each month (SET3) all five home defs
- Output well-formatted specific 1-mers to 10-mers for first 80, 800, 8000 users
- Voronoi Diagram for Antennas
- Aggregate specific n-mers by user
- Average/total distance travelled by a user in two weeks
- Adam -- Abstract Movement Patterns (AMP)
- Bishal -- Migration
- Matt -- Time
- Morgan -- Geography
See for specific task breakdowns
- Dynamic programming approach to enumeration
- Best data structure to hold specific/abstract patterns by user
- Enumeration all users' patterns of movements
- Clustering users based on movement patterns and investigate their home location to infer any sociological and cultural phenomena
- Using movement patterns, develop a model that can generate a set of random users (synthetic dataset)
- Using movement patterns, develop a model that can differentiate (i.e classify) a user's country (Senegal vs. Ivory Coast)
- Generate an artificial intelligence agent/synthetic population