Docker container to backup MySQL databases direct to Azure Blob Storage.
Run the below command as a cronjob with your desired backup interval. Update the environment variables to your server details.
docker run -it --rm -e mysql_host=mysql -e mysql_user=root -e mysql_password=changeme -e azure_account=testblob -e azure_accountKey=changeme -e azure_container=backup adamhancock/mysql-backup-to-azure
- Copy YAML:
- Replace values in secrets.yaml.example with your MySQL and Azure Blob storage details.
kubectl apply -f cronjob.yml -f secrets.yml
- mysql_host=
- mysql_user=root
- mysql_password=
- azure_account=
- azure_accountKey=
- azure_container=backup
The destination container needs to be created via Azure Storage Explorer manually.
Backups will be stored in a folder named with the date. Backups are created with the time appended to the database name, for example 05-08-20/database_11-33.sql
The backup file format will be the database schema followed by the data.
Recommended to use Azure Lifecycles on blob to manage the retention of your backups: