####TD (codename Britney)
######Build Phase
- interaction
- place towers (check if path can be found)
- build towers
- move towers
- upgrade towers (upgrade tree)
- dismantle towers
- place towers (check if path can be found)
######Battle Phase
- attributes:
- walking speed
- health points
- get status ailments/buffs
- spawn
- walk to destination (pathfinding)
- collide with shots
- die if out of hp
- attributes:
- attributes:
- cooldown
- projectile range
- damage
- give status ailments/buffs
- splash damage (?)
- projectile velocity (?)
- shoot at enemies if in range
- attributes:
- passive influece (wind direction, etc.) (?)
####RTS (codename Spears)
###Game Controls
- tap
- menu
- touching entity opens ring menu
- touching outside of ring area closes menu
- menu
- double tap
- long tap
- swipe
- swipe and hold
- pinch
- map
- zoom out/in
- map
britney assets (/assets) are registered under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license, meaning that you are free to redistribute or edit any part of this tileset as long as you do not take the credit for it. If you use the assets you must accredit DawnBringer ([email protected]).