Hi, I'm a post-doc in the Weisberg lab at Oregon State University working on plant-pathogen interaction. I've completed my Ph.D on Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics from University of California, Riverside.
One major project I worked on during my Ph.D. research was competition of rhizobia during symbiosis. Check the paper here: Competitive interference among rhizobia reduces benefit to hosts. Rahman, A., Nadon, C., Perez, I.A., Farsamin, W.F., Lampe, M.T., Le,. T.E., Torres-Martinez, L.T., Weisberg, A.J., Chang, J.H., Sachs, J.L., 2023 Current Biology. Volume 33, Issue 14, 24 July 2023, Pages 2988-3001.e4 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.06.081
I write on my personal blog. Connect with me in LinkedIn or Instagram.