A QR code reader based on a wasm port of Zebra Crossing library by @nu-book.
npm install zxing-qr-reader
You can find the demo here
Instantiate the QrReader class by passing a canvas context to the constructor.
The way this was designed means you shouldn't need a react to use it :D.
NOTE: The resolution of the camera feed is the same as the size of the canvas.
import React from 'react';
import { QrReader } from 'zxing-qr-reader';
class App extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');//get canvas
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');//get canvas context
this.qr_reader = new QrReader(context);//instantiate qr reader
this.qr_reader.scan();//start scan
this.qr_reader.on('found', (result) => {
console.log(result.text); //called when qr code was found
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
<canvas id="canvas" width={480} height={852}></canvas> //480p resolution in portrait on mobile
A cover calculation is done when the image is drawn to the canvas meaning supplying one resolution for mobile devices and one other for desktop devices should suffice.
Typically a 600x600 resolution for desktop and 480x852 resolution for mobile does the trick. This gives fullscreen image on mobile and a large enough image on most desktop monitors.
const file = e.target.files[0];
const result = this.qr_reader.readBarCodeFromFile(file);
this.qr_reader.on('error', (e) => {
Stream already initialised.
Occurs when scan()
method is called contiguously.
DOM Exception. Permission denied.
Occurs when the user has not given your site permission. Error. Permission denied. Please update browser permissions to access camera.
is written to the canvas in this event. Notifying the user.
Browser does not support getUserMedia
Occurs when a browser does not support webRTC. Error. Your browser does not support camera access. Use a modern browser or update your browser.
is written to the canvas in this event. Notifying the user.
Stream was not initialised
Occurs when stop()
method is called before scan()
Reader isn't initialised
Occurs when readBarCodeFile is called before wasm module is loaded. (Uncommon)
Trying to set a canvas size that is of a higher resolution than the device camera can deliver, undefined behaviour occurs.
Calling stop()
before the reader could fully initialise causes a bug where the last stream is always on. Meaning the user camera stays on and calling stop()
changes nothing.