Welcome to the backend for the Shopify Clone project! This server-side application handles the core logic, database interactions, and API endpoints for the e-commerce platform.
The backend provides the following functionalities:
- API Endpoints: RESTful endpoints for product management, user authentication, and order processing.
- Database Management: Interactions with a MongoDB database for storing and retrieving data.
- Integration: Integration with the frontend and other external services.
To set up and run the backend server, follow these instructions:
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js and npm
- PostgreSQL
Clone the repository:
git clone [repository-url]
Navigate into the project directory:
cd [project-directory]
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env file in the root directory and configure your environment variables. You can use .env.example as a reference.
Running the Application
npm start-backend
Use the command above to start the backend server. This will start the server on the port 8000. You can change the port by modifying the environment variables in your .env file.
GET /api/products: Retrieve a list of products.
POST /api/products: Create a new product.
GET /api/products/:id: Retrieve a specific product by ID.
PUT /api/products/:id: Update a product by ID.
DELETE /api/products/:id: Delete a product by ID.
POST /api/users/register: Register a new user.
POST /api/users/login: Log in a user and receive a token.
src/: Contains the source code for the backend.
models/: Defines the MongoDB schemas and models.
routes/: Contains the API route handlers.
controllers/: Implements the business logic for the routes.
config/: Contains configuration files, including database connections.
middleware/: Custom middleware for authentication and validation.
Contributions are welcome! Please submit issues or pull requests to improve the backend. For detailed contribution guidelines, refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.