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PicPac: An Image Database for Deep Learning

PicPac is an image database for deep learning. It is developed so that the user of different deep learning frameworks can all use the same image database format.


  • Store raw images in one-file database, decoding & augmentation on-the-fly.
  • Support most image formats.
  • Python and C++ API.
  • Multi-threading in background.
  • Support most common tasks (classification, regression, segmentation and instance segmentation).
  • Flexible streaming options (shuffle, stratified sampling).
  • Flexible augmentation framework.
  • Compatible with all major frameworks (Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, Caffe).
  • In memory caching for small datasets.
  • True random shuffle with extremely large dataset (need SSD storage).


Option 1: download binary python module.

This is the recommended installation method if you are using ubuntu 16.04 and python3.5.

Download the .so file from here and drop in your current directory. You should be able to import picpac in python3.

echo "import picpac; print(picpac.__file__)" | python3

Option 2: building from source code.


  • boost libraries (libboost-all-dev on ubuntu or boost-devel on centos )
  • opencv2 (libopencv-dev or opencv-devel)
  • glog (libglog-dev or glog-devel)
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd picpac

# python 2, not recommended
python build
sudo python install

# python 3
python3 build
sudo python3 install

Quick Start

Basic Concepts

A PicPac database is a collection of records. A record is the unit of saving/loading/streaming operation, and contains data of a single training sample, which is typicall an image with a label and/or a set of annotations. A record contains the following:

  • id: serial number of uint32, automatically set to 0, 1, ... when imported in python.
  • label: a label of float32. We use float to support both classification and regression.
  • label2: a secondary label of type int16. Typically not used.
  • group: set to either label(default) or label2. Stratified sampling group.
  • fields[]: up to 6 binary buffers.
  • fields[0]: this is typically the binary image, supports most formats.
  • fields[1](optional): annotation in JSON or binary image.
  • fields[2-5]: typically not used.

We recommend storing raw images in the database, unless the image is very big in size. PicPac does all decoding, augmentation and other transformations on-the-fly.

Data Importing

import picpac

db = picpac.Writer('path_to.db', picpac.OVERWRITE)

for label, image_path, mask in some_list:
    with open(image_path, 'rb') as f:
        image_buf =

    if mask is None:
        # import without annotation, for classification tasks.
        db.append(float(label), image_buf)

    # there's annotation/mask
    if mask_is_a_zero_one_png_image:
        with open(mask, 'rb') as f:    # use lossless PNG for annotation
            mask_buf =
        db.append(float(label), image_buf, mask_buf)

    if mask_is_json_annotation:
        import simplejson as json
        db.append(float(label), image_buf, json.dumps(mask).encode('ascii'))

    # or if you want more fields, python supports up to 4 buffers
    # use case: several consecutive video frames as a single example
    # they'll go through identical augmentation process.

    db.append(float(label), image_buf, extra_buf1, extra_buf2, extra_buf3)

You can view database content with picpac-explorer; see below.

Streaming for classification and regression

After a database has been created, it can be used to stream training samples to a deep-learning framework:

import picpac

is_training = True

config = {"db": db_path,
          "loop": is_training,          # endless streaming
          "shuffle": is_training,       # shuffle upon loading db
          "reshuffle": is_training,     # shuffle after each epoch
          "annotate": False,
          "channels": 3,                # 1 or 3
          "stratify": is_training,      # stratified sample by label
          "dtype": "float32",           # dtype of returned numpy arrays
          "batch": 64,                  # batch size
          "cache": True,                # cache to avoid future disk read
          "transforms": [ 
              {"type": "augment.flip", "horizontal": True, "vertical": False, "transpose": False},
              # other augmentations
              {"type": "resize", "size": 224},

stream = picpac.ImageStream(config)

for meta, images in stream:  # the loop is endless

    # meta.labels is the image labels of shape (batch, )
    # images is of shape (batch, H, W, channels)

    # feed to tensorflow
    feed_dict = {X: images, Y: meta.labels, is_training: True}, feed_dict=feed_dict)

    if need_to_stop:

PicPac doesn't do automatic image resizing. Usually images in the database are of different shapes. But all images in the minibatch must be of the same shape. So you have two options:

  • Use batch size of 1.
  • Add a resize transform like the example above.

Streaming for segmentation

Annotation is enabled by adding annotate: [1] in the configuration. 1 here is the field ID that contains annotation. Both image and annotation will go through identical augmentation process. When image interpolation is needed, image pixel values are produced with linear interpolation while label pixels are produced with nearest-neighbor interpolation(so we don't accidentally produce meaningless categorical labels like 0.5).

config = {"db": db_path,
          # ... same as above ...
          #batch": 1,         # so we don't need to resize image
                              # and resize/clip transform for batch > 1
          "annotate": [1],    # load field 1 as annotation
          "transforms": [ 
              {"type": "augment.flip", "horizontal": True, "vertical": False, "transpose": False},
              {"type": "clip", "round": 16},         # feature stride, see below
              # {"type": "resize", "size": 224},     # add this for batch > 1
              {"type": "rasterize"}

stream = picpac.ImageStream(config)

for _, images, labels in stream:
    # images is of shape (batch, H, W, channels)
    # labels is of shape (batch, H, W, 1)

    # feed to tensorflow
    feed_dict = {X: images, Y: labels, is_training: True}, feed_dict=feed_dict)

We typically use vector graphics (encoded in JSON) for annotation. All augmentations and other transformations are directly applied to vector graphics, and the final rasterize step converts the vector graphics (when applicable) to dense image. rasterize will have no effect if the annotation is dense image.

Typicall a segmentation model goes through a serious of convolution and deconvolution, and one will want the produced label image to be well aligned with the input. Make use you set round parameter of clip transformation to your feature stride, so the generated minibatch will have width and height clipped to be divisible by this stride value.

Streaming for Bounding Box Regression

The database must be created with JSON-based annotation. Image-based annotation is not supported. It is recommended that you convert image masks into contours and encode them as polygons.

See for a full example.

We are still working on an API that supports multiple priors.

config = {"db": db_path,
          # ... same as above ...
          # batch": 1,        # so we don't need to resize image
                              # and resize/clip transform for batch > 1
          "annotate": [1],    # same as segmentation
          "transforms": [ 
              # augmentations ...
              {"type": "clip", "round": 16},    # feature stride, see below
              {"type": "", 'downsize': anchor_stride},
              {"type": "rasterize"}

stream = picpac.ImageStream(config)

for _, images, labels, anchors, anchor_weight, params, params_weight in stream:
    # images is of shape (,,,channels)
    # labels is generated by rasterize, same as segmentation
    # anchors is of shape (,,,priors), 0/1 anchor mask, priors = 1
    # anchors_weight is of shape (,,,priors)
    # params is of shape (,,,priors * 4),  box parameters
    #                for each prior, the 4 numbers are (dx, dy, width, height)
    # params_weight is of shape (,,,priors)

Note that we still need to rasterize any JSON-based annotation thats loaded even though we do not need them here; PicPac is not able to encode JSON strings into a minibatch. In the future we might be able to replace this with a drop operation and save computation.

anchor_weight and params_weight are masks to decide which pixel-prior combination should participate in loss calculation for anchors and params.

Streaming for Instance Segmentation (Mask-RCNN)

This is one extra step on top of box regression (box_feature transformation and setting use_tag of rasterize).

See for a full example.

config = {
          # ... same as box regression ...
          "transforms": [ 
              # augmentations ...
              {"type": "clip", "round": 16},    # feature stride, see below
              {"type": "", 'downsize': anchor_stride},
              {"type": "box_feature"},
              {"type": "rasterize", "use_tag": True, "dtype": "float32"}

stream = picpac.ImageStream(config)

for _, images, tags, anchors, anchor_weight, params, params_weight, box_feature in stream:
    # images is of shape (,,,channels)
    # tags is of shape (,,,1)
    # anchors is of shape (,,,priors), 0/1 anchor mask, priors = 1
    # anchors_weight is of shape (,,,priors)
    # params is of shape (,,,priors * 4),  box parameters
    # params_weight is of shape (,,,priors)

    # box_feature is of shape (N, 7), where N is the number of boxes
    #    box_feature[:, 0]      image index within minibatch, 0-based
    #    box_feature[:, 1]      object label
    #    box_feature[:, 2]      object tag
    #    box_feature[:, 3:5]    (x1, y1), top left coordinate, clipped to image area
    #    box_feature[:, 5:7]    (x2, y2), bottom right coordinate, clipped to image area

    # params are not clipped to image area.
    # box_feature[:, 3:7] are clipped, otherwise the two are the same.

We use the following label-tag mechanism to achieve efficient extraction of mask patches with augmentation:

  • Each annotated shape (usually a polygon) has a label and a tag.
  • Label is the categorical label; the prediction target.
  • Tag an non-zero integral value calculated when importing samples so as to differenciate pixels of touching objects. Four color theorem states that four different tag values (in addition to the background 0) are sufficient if we have to tag touching objects differently. In our case, in order to achieve good separation between objects, we want to assign different tags to two objects if they touch after dilation. The number of tag values we use do not affect computational cost. We can assume the range [1, 255] is always available. This program does such tagging/coloring.
  • Instead of a label image, rasterize here generates a tag image (use_tag: True). The label information is returned in box_feature[:, 1].

PicPac does not directly return the masks, but the masks can be easily produced with the following procedure:

  1. box_feature[i, 3:7] is the bounding box information, already clipped to image area. That is 0 <= box_feature[i, 3] <= box_feature[i, 5] < width. Round the number and get the corresponding ROI in the tag image.
  2. Set all pixels to 1 where the tag is box_feature[i, 2] and the remaining pixels to 0.
  3. Resize all masks to the same size.

These are implemented by the MaskExtractor class in The same program implements some other routines that are needed for Mask-RCNN implementation.

The importing program has to guarantee that within the bounding box of an object there's no part of another object with the same tag. This can usually be achieved by setting a sufficiently large dilation value when testing the touching condition.

Reading Database

Use picpac.Reader to access raw data.

import picpac

db = picpac.Reader(path)

# method 1
for rec in db:
    rec.label        # is the label
    rec.fields      # are the fields
    rec.fields[0]   # is usually the image

# method 2
for i in range(db.size()):
    rec =

Special Topics


PicPac supports image-based annotation. But to achieve better flexibility, we prefer JSON-based annotation. PicPac's annotation format is based on that of annotorious. OWL is our in-house tool to produce such annotations.

Below is a sample json annotation with a rectangle and a polygon.

{"shapes": [ {"label": 1.0,
              "type": "rect",
              "geometry": {"x": 0.15, "y": 0.13, "height": 0.083, "width": 0.061},
             {"label": 1.0,
              "type": "polygon",
              "geometry": {"points": [{"y": 0.75, "x":0.62},
                                      {"y": 0.75, "x":0.61},
                                      {"y": 0.75,"x": 0.61}


Note that all x, y, width and height values are normalized to a [0, 1] range, with x and width divided by image width and y and hight divided by image height.

In addition to label, each shape might also carry an optional integral tag value, which can be optionally rendered by the rasterize operation.

PicPac ignores any additional data in JSON that it does not recognize.

Check source for all shapes.

Facets and Transformation

PicPac database stores raw data of training samples in the in up to 6 buffers on disk. Usually only the first two are used for the image and the annotation, but our API is flexible enough to support multiple images and annotations. The only constraints now is that images of the same sample must have the same shape.

At streaming time, PicPac use a series of loading and transformation operations to create a set of Facets for each example. These facets are merged into minibatches and returned in the streaming API. The general streaming API is

for meta, facet0, facet1, ..., last_facet in stream:
    # meta is the meta data

The facets loading are controled by the following two fields in configuration.

    config = { ...
               'images': [0],    # default to [0]
               'annotate': [1]   # default to []
               'transforms': [ ...]

Both images and annotate are lists of field IDs (so they must be within 0-5).

First, fields in images are loaded into the facets list, and then fields in annotate. After that, transformations are applied to the facets, some, like, generating new facets.

Because numbers in JSON annotations are all normalized to [0-1], we use the size information of the first loaded image to properly render the annotation. Also because all augmentations are applied to all facets the same way, having different facet shapes will cause problems almost for sure. So if its necessary to pack multiple images in the same record, the user needs to guarantee they are of the same shape.

Transformations needs to be in the following order:

  • augment.* and other transformations that do not change image shape.
  • resize and/or clip, shape changing ones.
  • anchor.* and box_feature; anchor generation.
  • rasterize. Must be after anchor.*.
  • erode_mask and other operations applied to the rasterized label image.

Check source for all transformations.


A subset of the supported transformations implement image augmentation. An augmentation operation applies to all facets in the same way whenever applicable.

Currently supported augmentations:

config = {
          "transforms": [
              {"type": "augment.flip", "horizontal": True, "vertical": False, "transpose": False},
              {"type": "augment.scale", "min": 0.9, "max": 1.1},  # x width/height
              {"type": "augment.rotate", "min": -10, "max": 10},  # in degrees

              {"type": "augment.add", "range": 10}   # add -10 to 10 independently to each channel

              # below only alter the light channel
              {"type": "colorspace", "code": "BGR2HSV"},
              {"type": "augment.add", "range3": 10}   # add -10 to 10 to V channel
              {"type": "colorspace", "code": "HSV2RGB"},

Inspecting Streaming Samples

The user is encouraged to visually inspect the data that are streamed from PicPac to make sure they are actually correct.

config = { ...
           'dump': 10,  # save the first 100 batches, default is 0

The above configuration asks PicPac to save the facets of the first 10 batches to disk as PNG images. Images are saved to "picpac_dump" and named as {batch_facet_batchoffset}.png whenever possible (facet images contain 1 or 3 channels). Label images usually contains 0-1 values and are not visually apparent. The script scripts/ looks for picpac_dump/*_1_*.png and overlay them to picpac_dump/*_0_*.png and creates gif animiations.

Accessing Raw Data in Streaming

Occasionally, one needs to access raw data when streaming. For example, one might need to know the name or some extra information of the sample image. One way is to encode such information into a binary buffer and save in one of the 6 fields. For example, extra information can be merged into JSON annotation and saved in field 1. At run time, use the following code to access raw data:

config = { ...
           'raw': [field1, field2, ...]   # default is []

for meta, ... in stream:
    meta.raw[0][0]  # raw data of the first required raw field or first sample in minibatch.
    meta.raw[0][1]  # first field, second sample

Raw data are only loaded on demand.

I/O Performance and Caching

PicPac enables caching by default, which means images are loaded from disk only once. But with big dataset, this can cause an out-of-memory error. In such case, one has to set cache = False in configuration, and make sure the database file is on SSD-storage. PicPac loads each sample with a random seek.

Label2 and Stratified Sampling

This is not yet exposed to the Python API.

In order to support stratified sampling, a PicPac database contains an index with the sample category information. The object category must be decided at database create time and is usually determined by the label field. In rare cases, the sampling category can be different from labels. In such case, a database is created with the INDEX_LABEL2 flag, and the label2 field of the record is set to the stratified sampling category.


PicPac provides a convenient mechanism to mix in a general background dataset in streaming.

config = {...
          'mixin': 'some_background_db',
          'mixin_group_reset': 0     # set all groups in mixin to 0
          'mixin_group_delta': 1     # add 1 to mixin groups.

Mixin is useful in supressing false positives. Properly set mixin_group_reset and mixin_group_delta so mixin and the primary dataset have non-overlapping stratified sampling groups.

Note that currently labels are loaded unaltered from the mixin db.

This API is obsolete and now in picpac_legacy namespace. The database format is the same.

We are working on new documentation.


PicPac Explorer

PicPac Explorer is a Web-based UI that allows the user to explore the picpac database content and simulate streaming configurations.

Download portable distribution of PicPac Explorer here: (

Run picpac-explorer db and point the web browser to port 18888. If the program is executed under a GUI environment, the browser will be automatically opened.

Building C++ Binaries

The basic library depends on OpenCV and Boost. The dependency on Json11 is provided as git submodule, which can be pulled in by

git submodule init
git submodule update

PicPac Explorer for visualizing annotation results is built with separate rules and has many more dependencies. Use the link about to download a portable pre-built version.