A Facebook Messenger interactive querier for the UCL API!
Q: rooms
A: When?
User select: Now | In an hour | In 2 hours
Backend: UCL API free rooms request
A: There are a few, probably closest for you is the following:
A (Using backend data): Front Lodges, North Lodge 001 with capacity 10.
A: Do you want to place a booking?
User select: Yes | No
A (Yes): Great! Booking placed
A (No): Okay, what else can I help?
Q: people
A: Who do you want to search for?
Q: Jake
Backend: UCL API Search people request
A: I found a few people under that, take a look:
A: Jake Doe, student at Dept of Med Phys & Biomed, email [email protected]
A: ...
Q: where | when
Backend: UCL API Get Timetable By Modules request
A: According to your timetable, you currently don't have anything scheduled! Take a break until your next Computatoinal Complexity lecture at 09:00 - 10:00 at Anatomy G29 J Z Young LT.
A: Hurry, you're late! You should be at your Computatoinal Complexity lecture at 09:00 - 10:00 at Anatomy G29 J Z Young LT.
Note: To avoid having to implement log-in, currently we can hardcode a list of modules for which we'll get timetables (the API supports this)