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[ICML'24] BAT: 🚀 Boost Class-imbalanced Node Classification with <10 lines of Code | 从拓扑视角出发10行代码改善类别不平衡节点分类


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BAT: BAlanced Topological augmentation

"Class-Imbalanced Graph Learning without Class Rebalancing" [ICML'24]
Links: [arXiv] [PDF]

🦇 BAT (BAlanced Topological augmentation) is a lightweight, plug-and-play augmentation technique for class-imbalanced node classification. It mitigates the class-imbalance bias introduced by ambivalent and distant message-passing on graph topology with PURE topological manipulation.

Being model-agnostic and orthogonal to class-balancing techniques (e.g., reweighting/resampling), 🦇 BAT can be seamlessly integrated with various GNN architectures and BOOST regular class-balancing-based imbalance-handling methods.

🌈 BAT Key Features:

  • 📈 Scalability: Linear complexity w.r.t. number of nodes/edges.
  • 🔌 Plug-and-play: Directly integrates into the training loop with ~10 lines of code.
  • 🚀 Performance: Up to 46.27% performance boosting and 72.74% predictive bias reduction.
  • 🪐 Versatility: Work with various GNN backbones ON TOP OF other imbalance-handling techniques.
  • 🧑‍💻 Ease-of-use: Unified, concise, and extensible API design. No additional hyperparameter.

✂️ Intergrate BatAugmenter (BAT) into your training loop with <10 lines of code:

from bat import BatAugmenter

augmenter = BatAugmenter().init_with_data(data) # Initialize with graph data

for epoch in range(epochs):
    # Augmentation
    x, edge_index, _ = augmenter.augment(model, x, edge_index)
    y, train_mask = augmenter.adapt_labels_and_train_mask(y, train_mask)
    # Original training code
    model.update(x, y, edge_index, train_mask)

🤗 Citing BAT

We appreciate your citation if you find our work helpful!🍻 BibTeX entry:

      title={Class-Imbalanced Graph Learning without Class Rebalancing}, 
      author={Zhining Liu and Ruizhong Qiu and Zhichen Zeng and Hyunsik Yoo and David Zhou and Zhe Xu and Yada Zhu and Kommy Weldemariam and Jingrui He and Hanghang Tong},

Table of Contents

Usage Example

Python Scripts provides a simple way to test BAT under different settings: datasets, imbalance types, imbalance ratios, GNN architectures, etc. For example, to test BAT's effectiveness on the Cora dataset with a 10:1 step imbalance ratio using the GCN architecture, simply run:

python --dataset cora --imb_type step --imb_ratio 10 --gnn_arch GCN --bat_mode all

Example Output:

================= Dataset [Cora] - StepIR [10] - BAT [dummy] =================
Best Epoch:   97 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/67.20/67.50 | BACC: 100.0/61.93/60.55 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/59.65/59.29 | upd/aug time: 4.67/0.00ms | node/edge ratio: 100.00/100.00% 
Best Epoch:   67 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/65.20/65.00 | BACC: 100.0/60.04/57.70 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/57.21/55.09 | upd/aug time: 3.36/0.00ms | node/edge ratio: 100.00/100.00% 
Best Epoch:  131 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/66.80/67.90 | BACC: 100.0/63.78/61.71 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/62.26/60.08 | upd/aug time: 3.37/0.00ms | node/edge ratio: 100.00/100.00% 
Best Epoch:   60 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/66.40/66.30 | BACC: 100.0/61.60/60.74 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/58.04/59.09 | upd/aug time: 3.34/0.00ms | node/edge ratio: 100.00/100.00% 
Best Epoch:  151 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/63.40/63.70 | BACC: 100.0/58.00/55.99 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/53.57/51.88 | upd/aug time: 3.19/0.00ms | node/edge ratio: 100.00/100.00% 
Avg Test Performance (5 runs):  | ACC: 66.08 ± 0.70 | BACC: 59.34 ± 0.96 | MACRO-F1: 57.09 ± 1.40

================== Dataset [Cora] - StepIR [10] - BAT [bat1] ==================
Best Epoch:   72 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/72.00/72.20 | BACC: 100.0/69.65/68.93 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/66.88/67.10 | upd/aug time: 3.12/4.10ms | node/edge ratio: 100.26/101.43% 
Best Epoch:  263 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/72.80/71.70 | BACC: 100.0/72.59/69.01 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/72.05/68.70 | upd/aug time: 3.51/4.10ms | node/edge ratio: 100.26/101.75% 
Best Epoch:  186 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/74.00/73.70 | BACC: 100.0/74.37/73.10 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/71.61/71.04 | upd/aug time: 3.36/4.15ms | node/edge ratio: 100.26/101.56% 
Best Epoch:   71 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/72.40/72.10 | BACC: 100.0/69.50/67.75 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/68.11/66.80 | upd/aug time: 3.31/4.12ms | node/edge ratio: 100.26/101.55% 
Best Epoch:   77 | train/val/test | ACC: 100.0/76.20/77.60 | BACC: 100.0/78.03/77.92 | MACRO-F1: 100.0/75.06/76.42 | upd/aug time: 3.34/4.10ms | node/edge ratio: 100.26/101.58% 
Avg Test Performance (5 runs):  | ACC: 73.46 ± 0.97 | BACC: 71.34 ± 1.68 | MACRO-F1: 70.01 ± 1.58

We can observe great performance gain brought about by BAT:

Metric Accuracy Balanced Accuracy Macro-F1 Score
w/o BAT 66.08 59.34 57.09
w/ BAT 73.46 71.34 70.01
Gain +7.38 +12.00 +12.92

Full argument list of and descriptions are as follows:

--gpu_id | int, default=0
    Specify which GPU to use for training. Set to -1 to use the CPU.

--seed | int, default=42
    Random seed for reproducibility in training.

--n_runs | int, default=5
    The number of independent runs for training.

--debug | bool, default=False
    Enable debug mode if set to True.

--dataset | str, default="cora"
    Name of the dataset to use for training.
    Supports "cora," "citeseer," "pubmed," "cs", "physics".

--imb_type | str, default="step", choices=["step", "natural"]
    Type of imbalance to handle in the dataset. Choose from "step" or "natural".

--imb_ratio | int, default=10
    Imbalance ratio for handling imbalanced datasets.

--gnn_arch | str, default="GCN", choices=["GCN", "GAT", "SAGE"]
    Graph neural network architecture to use. Choose from "GCN," "GAT," or "SAGE."

--n_layer | int, default=3
    The number of layers in the GNN architecture.

--hid_dim | int, default=256
    Hidden dimension size for the GNN layers.

--lr | float, default=0.01
    Initial learning rate for training.

--weight_decay | float, default=5e-4
    Weight decay for regularization during training.

--epochs | int, default=2000
    The number of training epochs.

--early_stop | int, default=200
    Patience for early stopping during training.

--tqdm | bool, default=False
    Enable a tqdm progress bar during training if set to True.

--bat_mode | str, default="all", choices=["dummy", "pred", "topo", "all"]
    Mode of the BAT. Choose from "dummy," "pred," "topo," or "all."
    if "dummy," BAT is disabled.
    if "pred," BAT is enabled with only prediction-based augmentation.
    if "topo," BAT is enabled with only topology-based augmentation.
    if "all," will run all modes and report the result for comparison.

Jupyter Notebook

We also provide an example jupyter notebook train_example.ipynb with more experimental results on:

  • 3 Datasets: ['cora', 'citeseer', 'pubmed']
  • 3 BAT modes: ['dummy', 'pred', 'topo']
  • 4 Imbalance type-rate combinations:
    • 'step': [10, 20]
    • 'natural': [50, 100]

API reference

class: BatAugmenter

Main class that implements the BAT augmentation algorithm, inheriting from BaseGraphAugmenter.

class BatAugmenter(BaseGraphAugmenter):
    Balanced Topological (BAT) augmentation for graph data.

    - mode: str, optional (default: "bat1")
        The augmentation mode. Must be one of ["dummy", "bat0", "bat1"].
        - 'dummy': no augmentation.
        - 'bat0': BAT with 0th order posterior likelihood estimation, linear to #nodes.
        - 'bat1': BAT with 1st order posterior likelihood estimation, linear to #edges
           and generally performs better (recommended).
    - random_state: int or None, optional (default: None)
        Random seed for reproducibility.


  • mode: str, optional (default: "bat1")
    • The augmentation mode. Must be one of ["dummy", "bat0", "bat1"].
      • 'dummy': no augmentation.
      • 'bat0': BAT with 0th order posterior likelihood estimation, linear to #nodes.
      • 'bat1': BAT with 1st order posterior likelihood estimation, linear to #edges and generally performs better (recommended).
  • random_state: int or None, optional (default: None)
    • Random seed for reproducibility.


  • init_with_data(data): initialize the augmenter with graph data.
    • Parameters:
      • data : PyG data object. Expected attributes: x, edge_index, y, train_mask, val_mask, test_mask.
    • Return:
      • self : TopoBalanceAugmenter
  • augment(model, x, edge_index): perform topology-aware graph augmentation.
    • Parameters:
      • model : torch.nn.Module, node classification model
      • x : torch.Tensor, node feature matrix
      • edge_index : torch.Tensor, sparse edge index
    • Return:
      • x_aug : torch.Tensor, augmented node feature matrix
      • edge_index_aug: torch.Tensor, augmented sparse edge index
      • info : dict, augmentation info
  • adapt_labels_and_train_mask(y, train_mask): adapt labels and training mask after augmentation.
    • Parameters:
      • y : torch.Tensor, node label vector
      • train_mask : torch.Tensor, training mask
    • Return:
      • new_y : torch.Tensor, adapted node label vector
      • new_train_mask : torch.Tensor, adapted training mask

class: NodeClassificationTrainer

Trainer class for node classification tasks, centralizing the training workflow:

  • (1) model preparation and selection
  • (2) performance evaluation
  • (3) BAT data augmentation
  • (4) verbose logging.
class NodeClassificationTrainer:
    A trainer class for node classification with Graph Augmenter.

    - model: torch.nn.Module
        The node classification model.
    - data:
        PyTorch Geometric data object containing graph data.
    - device: str or torch.device
        Device to use for computations (e.g., 'cuda' or 'cpu').
    - augmenter: BaseGraphAugmenter, optional
        Graph augmentation strategy.
    - learning_rate: float, optional
        Learning rate for optimization.
    - weight_decay: float, optional
        Weight decay (L2 penalty) for optimization.
    - train_epoch: int, optional
        Number of training epochs.
    - early_stop_patience: int, optional
        Number of epochs with no improvement to trigger early stopping.
    - eval_freq: int, optional
        Frequency of evaluation during training.
    - eval_metrics: dict, optional
        Dictionary of evaluation metrics and associated functions.
    - verbose_freq: int, optional
        Frequency of verbose logging.
    - verbose_config: dict, optional
        Configuration for verbose logging.
    - save_model_dir: str, optional
        Directory to save model checkpoints.
    - save_model_name: str, optional
        Name of the saved model checkpoint.
    - enable_tqdm: bool, optional
        Whether to enable tqdm progress bar.
    - random_state: int, optional
        Seed for random number generator.


  • train: train the node classification model and perform evaluation.
    • Parameters:
      • train_epoch: int, optional. Number of training epochs.
      • eval_freq: int, optional. Frequency of evaluation during training.
      • verbose_freq: int, optional. Frequency of verbose logging.
    • Return:
      • model: torch.nn.Module, trained node classification model.
  • print_best_results: print the evaluation results of the best model.

Emprical Results

Experimental Setup

To fully validate BAT's performance and compatibility with existing (graph) imbalance-handling techniques and GNN backbones, we test 6 imbalance-handling methods with 5 popular GNN backbone architectures in our experiments, and apply BAT with them under all possible combinations:

  • Datasets: Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed, CS, Physics
  • Imbalance-handling techniques:
    • Reweighting [1]
    • ReNode [2]
    • Oversample [3]
    • SMOTE [4]
    • GraphSMOTE [5]
    • GraphENS [6]
  • GNN backbones:
    • GCN [7]
    • GAT [8]
    • SAGE [9]
    • APPNP [10]
    • GPRGNN [11]
  • Imbalance types & ratios:
    • Step imbalance: 10:1, 20:1
    • Natural imbalance: 50:1, 100:1

For more details on the experimental setup, please refer to our paper:

BAT brings significant and universal performance BOOST

We first report the detailed empirical results of applying BAT with 6 IGL baselines and 5 GNN backbones on 3 imbalanced graphs (Cora, CiteSeer, and PubMed) with IR=10 in Table 1. We highlight the improvement brought about by BAT to the average/best test performane of the 6 IGL baselines.

Results show that BAT brought significant and universal performance boost to all IGL baselines and GNN backbones. In addition to the superior performance in classification, BAT also greatly reduces the model predictive bias.

BAT is robust to extreme class-imbalance

We now test BAT's robustness to varying types of extreme class-imbalance. In this experiment, we consider a more challenging scenario with IR = 20, as well as the natural (long-tail) class imbalance that is commonly observed in real-world graphs with IR of 50 and 100. Datasets from (CS, Physics) are also included to test BAT's performance on large-scale tasks. Results show that BAT consistently demonstrates superior performance in boosting classification and reducing predictive bias.

Please refer to our paper: for more details.


# Reference
[1] Nathalie Japkowicz and Shaju Stephen. The class imbalance problem: A systematic study. Intelligent data analysis, 6(5):429–449, 2002.
[2] Deli Chen, Yankai Lin, Guangxiang Zhao, Xuancheng Ren, Peng Li, Jie Zhou, and Xu Sun. Topology-imbalance learning for semi-supervised node classification. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34:29885–29897, 2021.
[3] Nathalie Japkowicz and Shaju Stephen. The class imbalance problem: A systematic study. Intelligent data analysis, 6(5):429–449, 2002.
[4] Nitesh V Chawla, Kevin W Bowyer, Lawrence O Hall, and W Philip Kegelmeyer. Smote: synthetic minority over-sampling technique. Journal of artificial intelligence research, 16:321–357, 2002.
[5] Tianxiang Zhao, Xiang Zhang, and Suhang Wang. Graphsmote: Imbalanced node classification on graphs with graph neural networks. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on web search and data mining, pages 833–841, 2021.
[6] Joonhyung Park, Jaeyun Song, and Eunho Yang. Graphens: Neighbor-aware ego network synthesis for class-imbalanced node classification. In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022.
[7] Max Welling and Thomas N Kipf. Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks. In J. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2017), 2016.
[8] Petar Veliˇckovi ́c, Guillem Cucurull, Arantxa Casanova, Adriana Romero, Pietro Liò, and Yoshua Bengio. Graph attention networks. In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2018.
[9] Will Hamilton, Zhitao Ying, and Jure Leskovec. Inductive representation learning on large graphs. Advances in neural information processing systems, 30, 2017.
[10] Johannes Gasteiger, Aleksandar Bojchevski, and Stephan Günnemann. Predict then propagate: Graph neural networks meet personalized pagerank. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05997, 2018.
[11] Eli Chien, Jianhao Peng, Pan Li, and Olgica Milenkovic. Adaptive universal generalized pagerank graph neural network. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07988, 2020.


[ICML'24] BAT: 🚀 Boost Class-imbalanced Node Classification with <10 lines of Code | 从拓扑视角出发10行代码改善类别不平衡节点分类








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