docker build -f Dockerfile.2690 -t 2690 .
docker run -d --rm -it --name functions -v ${PWD}/data:/app/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 8080:8080 2690
cd test-function
touch function.go
add code
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string
func main() {
p := &Person{Name: "World"}
fmt.Printf("Hello %v!", p.Name)
- Install CLI tools
For Linux
curl -LSs git.io/ironfn | sh
For macOS
brew install iron-functions
- Init function with runtime
fn init --runtime go hello
- Buld function - fn build is used to build the Docker image of the function
fn build
- Create app - Create application, organization and management multiple functions
fn apps create myapp
- Creates a route and maps the specified path to the newly created function
fn routes create myapp /hello
- If update function.go, then build and update route again
fn build
fn routes update myapp /hello
- Invoke function
curl http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/hello
- Frontend Access
docker run -d --rm -it --link functions:api -p 4000:4000 -e "API_URL=http://api:8080" iron/functions-ui:0.0.2
Access http://localhost:4000/