Developed for Matlab 2014 or later
bspline/ Matlab toolbox for implementing B-splines, can be downloaded from
fdaM/ Matlab toolbox for standard functional data analysis, can be downloaded from
mcmcdiag/ Matlab toolbox for diagonizing MCMC convergence, can be downloaded from
PACErelease2.11/ Matlab toolbox for PACE, written by Yao et. al, can be downloaded from
For example, run the following script lines (replace pwd with the directory of your MATLAB packages)
addpath(genpath(cat(2, pwd, '/BFDA_SourceCode')))
addpath(genpath(cat(2, pwd, '/bspline')))
addpath(genpath(cat(2, pwd, '/fdaM')))
addpath(genpath(cat(2, pwd, '/mcmcdiag')))
addpath(genpath(cat(2, pwd, '/PACErelease2.11')))
BFDA_SourceCode/BFDA.m -- Main function for smoothing and mean-covariance estimation.
Examples/BayesianSmooth_eg.m Example script calling BFDA().
Examples/FdRegress_eg.m Example script calling fdaM regression functions with output from BFDA().
BFDA_SourceCode/sim_gfd.m Function to generate Gaussian functional data with common/partial grids, stationary/nonstationary covariance.
BFDA_SourceCode/sim_gfd_rgrid.m Function to generate Gaussian functional data with random grids, stationary/nonstationary covariance.
BFDA_SourceCode/sim_ngfd_rgrid.m Function to generate Non-Gaussian functional data with random grids, stationary/nonstationary covariance.