🔭 Working at Idun Real Estate Solutions
🌱 Learning Azure Functions, Angular 18
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://yaroslavkormushyn.github.io/
💬 Ask me about Angular, ASP.NET Core, Azure
⚙️ GitHub Statistics
🔭 Working at Idun Real Estate Solutions
🌱 Learning Azure Functions, Angular 18
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://yaroslavkormushyn.github.io/
💬 Ask me about Angular, ASP.NET Core, Azure
⚙️ GitHub Statistics
Team GoT(Game of Threads). Team members: Andrukhiv Ulyana, Myroslav Vyspyansky, Kolomoets Anastasia, Kormushyn Yaroslav, Sen Yuliana. A web-site "Lviv Adviser" with a task to inform people, who tra…
C# 1
Forked from udacity/frontend-nanodegree-resume
This repository is used for one of the projects in Udacity's Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree program. Learn how to become a Front-End Developer today with line-by-line code reviewed projects and…
MusicBot is a bot designed to help those, who are desperate to find new music to listen to.
Pharo Smalltalk implementation of a sparse matrix using different underlying structures.
Smalltalk 2