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Elementor Recipe Template

Armand Tresova edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 4 revisions

Elementor is such a great plugin for building out custom page and post templates, wouldn't it be great if you could use Elementor to create a beautiful and custom recipe template? Well, you can! Here's a guide on how to do just that.

Note: This guide assumes that you have both Elementor and Elementor Pro installed and know how to use it. More information on Elementor an Elementor Pro here:

STEP 1: Create an Elementor Template

  1. Head over to Elementor > Templates. Click Add New at the top.
  2. Choose "Single" as the type and then choose "Recipe" as the post type. give this template a name. "Recipe Template" works well. Click Create Template.
  3. This will jump you into the Elementor Editor where you can build out your recipe template.
  4. Close the popup window that may appear here (click the x in the upper right).
  5. Keep in mind that you will need to use the Cooked Recipe Template shortcodes to build this template out: Template Shortcodes
  6. Once you have your custom template built out, Publish it!

STEP 2: Get the Elementor Template Shortcode

  1. Now that you have a template created, head back over to the Elementor > Templates screen.
  2. Find the template you just created and copy the shortcode that is on the right side of the screen.

STEP 3: Paste Shortcode into Recipe Template

  1. Now edit any recipe and past in this shortcode as the template, replacing everything that's there.
  2. Save JUST this recipe and view it to make sure it works.
  3. Now you can apply this template to all of your recipes by clicking Save as Default > Apply to All above the recipe editor.

Need to change your recipe template?

Now you can just go to Elementor > Templates and make changes to your recipe template using the drag & drop builder. Easy right?ecipe template using the drag & drop builder. Easy right?](#)