RapidWright 2023.1.4-beta Release
released this
20 Oct 17:14
298 commits
to master
since this release
Release Notes:
- Include RapidWright API Lib Javadoc in Gradle Build (#855)
- Add com.xilinx.rapidwright.eco.ECOTools package (#850)
- More Polynomial Generator improvements (#854)
- ReportRouteStatusResult.isFullyRouted() to check >0 logical net found (#852)
- Fixes for the PolynomialGenerator (tutorial) (#846)
- Test that Design.createModuleInst() copies static sources (#839)
- ModuleInst.place() to check both RAMB36/RAMB18 sites for overlap (#841)
- PartialRouter preprocessing and clock routing improvements (#843)
- Updates to Interchange README.md (#832)
- Simplify and make DesignTools.updatePinsIsRouted() more robust (#844)
- RouterHelper.invertPossibleGndPinsToVccPins() to not invert BRAM CLKs (#840)
- ModuleInst.connect() to leave physical Net alone for pass-thrus (#722)
- Unroute site routing when removing a cell (#729)
- PartialRouter's global router to not unpreserve sink nodes (#736)
- DesignTools.makePhysNetNamesConsistent() to use hier name (#735)
- DesignTools.makePhysNetNamesConsistent() to consider */<const{0,1}> (#734)
- Add DcpToInterchange class (#704)
- Add compile step (#733)
- Add EdifToLogicalNetlist to MainEntrypoint (#731)
- [PhysNetlistReader] Set Cell type for routethru cells (#727)
- Fix Javadoc warnings (#723)
- Fixes an issue with makeBlackBox trying to remove pins from renamed nets (#728)
- Multilevel macro expansion (#726)
- TestReplaceEDIFInDCP to copy DCP before replacing in-place (#725)
- DesignTools.createMissingSitePinInsts() to skip node-less site pins (#724)
- Add missing Versal DSP SiteTypeEnum (#842)
- [RWRoute] Further fix/cleanup around alternate source pins (#830)
- Adding out-of-context flag to RWRoute (#836)
- fix a bug in PipelineGeneratorWithRouting.createPipeline() (#837)
- Fix verb tense in RWRoute INFO msg (#835)
- Enable RWRoute to load Interchange designs from main() (#834)
- [VivadoTools] Check for Vivado on PATH first (#831)
- [EDIFNetlist] - Ensure Macro Expansion Deep Copies Children (#828)
- Minor RWRoute and UltraScaleClockRouting fixes (#829)
- Properly add/remove dual-output pins (#825)
- [TestRouteNode] Update comment; swap east and west (#827)
- Add VivadoTools.reportRouteStatus() overload for specific net status (#823)
- Update link to Discussions forum (#824)
- [RWRoute] Only add alternative sources to SiteInst if used (#821)
- RouteNode.getPIPsBackToSource() to recognize reversed PIPs (#822)
- [PhysNetlistReader] Create FFRoutethruCell-s correctly (#817)
- Add test for Design.movePinsToNewNetDeleteOldNet() (#796)
- Test Cell.getAllCorrespondingSitePinNames() works for multi-outputs (#792)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] No IO site port output BELPins without SitePinInst (#820)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Set PhysPip.setForward() even if not bidir (#819)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Skip output BELPins without cells, and port cells (#818)
- Test that Design.createModuleInst() copies static sources (#839)
- Design.createModuleInst() to copy STATIC_SOURCE_ SiteInsts properly
- Store partname in netlist for new designs
- SiteInst.addPin() to trackChanges() when ?_O or ?MUX pin added
- Method parameter names preserved in API lib jar
- API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Module "public Cell getCell(String cellName)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Net "public boolean isVCCNet()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Net "public boolean isGNDNet()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Net "public boolean isUsedNet()"