Homepage | Download | Release Notes | Fixed Issues
- Feature: XLT may now report error and event data to an external system for live analysis while a load test is running. (#514)
- Fix: Updated certain dependencies because of known vulnerabilities. (#510, #516, #517)
Xceptance provides machine images for Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud with XLT installed and configured for use as load agents.
Debian 12 (amd64)
- af-south-1: ami-05930188d1462e497
- ap-east-1: ami-03ed18f4865ea5b05
- ap-northeast-1: ami-01fe2db9afefb7318
- ap-northeast-2: ami-0875b9b906637f95c
- ap-northeast-3: ami-09c3fc0a043651e23
- ap-south-1: ami-0deb28d8d4e008387
- ap-southeast-1: ami-0f4fd5d58321b8484
- ap-southeast-2: ami-03c450387478b736f
- ca-central-1: ami-0df4db32c31f59021
- eu-central-1: ami-0fe320f1ed7a3e5be
- eu-north-1: ami-057db223e14ea542e
- eu-south-1: ami-0207a5be8f12c4708
- eu-west-1: ami-03502bc3817aec954
- eu-west-2: ami-0915c56227477f5b1
- eu-west-3: ami-0299e24f1b42958fb
- me-south-1: ami-072673479aedee5f4
- sa-east-1: ami-05c2d173cb7b25ae2
- us-east-1: ami-08dc45067742c90af
- us-east-2: ami-09e320b0ad31b6ace
- us-west-1: ami-0c24ff663a5a507c7
- us-west-2: ami-06e062e6358b65e4b
Debian 12 (arm64)
- eu-central-1: ami-0c7430a38480e06b5
Xceptance does not guarantee that the AMIs provided will be available forever. We strongly encourage you to migrate to the latest version frequently. If you need to maintain a particular setup for an extended period of time, please contact Xceptance and consider a support contract.